Baby Bath


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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I was wondering if anyone knew any good baby bath sets, plain but maybe unusual lol, sounds picky i know but basicly Im not getting a winnie the pooh one or one that everyone else has!

I have only seen one that I liked so far which was the fisherprice aquarium one for £30 odds. BUT this one I think looks more boyish.

I was going to get a tummy tub but loads of people talked me out of it.

Ahhhh baby stuff is so stressful sometimes! lol.

Thanks girls
Sorry can't help you there as I'm just going to use the sink.
Aw thats ok lol, I dont think our sink is big enough tbh xxx
I did at first use a plastic baby bath with my first but I found it really difficult to use though ,so I ended just using our bath with a very low level of water in it and an anti slip mat on the bottom , it worked just fine . Last time round I got myself a reclined baby seat that sits in the bath so freeing up your hands alittle more that definitely is what I'll be using again this time ,then when they start to sit up a new bath seat which stops they from falling is perfect . xx
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I love the tummy tub as an idea. If you look on youtube there is a fantastic video of a little dutch baby being bathed in it and it literally comotoses him, its hilarious. I'd love to get one for that reason, but a £5 small trug would do the same trick.
My best friend is buying me the bath and she has said it'll be the ergo two stage one mentioned above if I like it. Had a look and it looks great! xx
I like the plainess of the mammas and pappas one.

I was talking with OH and he quite likes the tummy tub which I had originally planned, I know they can be expensive for a tub basicly but I seen one for £20 and the fisherprice is £30. If bub doesn't like the tummy tub I will buy a plastic bath or one of those bouncer things for our bath.

Yeah Firstbaby they look good, aparently baby's settle loads better in them than in a baby bath. I look forward to getting one theyr just clear, clearpink or clearblue which will go with anything.

Thanks girls ;) xxxx
My Mum has bought us a bath, just a cheapy one and she has also bought us the bath supports as most people I know find baby baths have a very short life and baby can go into the main bath very quickly.

For us it's a space thing too, we'll use the baby bath to begin with but then it can go back to my Mum's!

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Your mums must be like a baby shop carnat lol all your stuff going there.

Yeah the bath support was a tenner or so from babies r us so I think ill get the tummy tub and the bath support its still about £30 so I'm not really out much as the baths I all like are about £35-40.

I watched the baby conk out in the tummy tub too just there, so cute! Xxxx
We're just going to have a baby bath seat, as I don't reckon LO will be in the bath for long before she's too big and we are limited to space. Our neice loved being in the big bath, in fact when she was a newborn she used to go to sleep in the bath everytime! Was a guaranteed way to settle her down for the night! x
Yeah every baby is different, I thot all babies slept with a bath I soon learned with my nieces and nephews they hated it. Theyr ok now that theyr toddlers. Baby already has long legs s/he prob won't fit in the tub long but ill have the support thing too. Xxx
It was great for the first couple of months - then she started to scream the place down every time she got in the bath! I can't wait for bath times!! They always look so small in all that water! X
Yeah that put me off the tub actually being so small being able to handle baby in the water but I watched some tips on utube which seem easy enough. I can't wait for toddler bath time they seem to have lots more fun in the bath with all the toys, I'm a big kid too lol xxx
I like the idea of them tubs, but I couldn't see myself being able to get them out of it without them slipping out my hands! I think they're great though, just abit pricey! I know, will be good having all the bath toys and that!! X
When I was on ebay today I saw these little light up ducks and dolphins! I'm SO excited! I wanna make bath time fun time!

Trying to get my nephew into a bath is a fight, you have to chase him around and sometimes he lifts his legs so not to put him in, then when he's in and soaked the place you can't get him back out again.

So hopefully I get baby in and out of the bath easier lol xxx
I want one of those toys that stick to the tiles and you pour water in it and it goes through like a sequence iykwim? My neice has a fish that you drag underwater which lights up and makes noises. I'm just hoping LO is a water baby! x
I've just got a cheap £5 one from Wilkos and a big £3 sponge to go on the bottom so baby's not too slippery! I was looking at the more expensive ones, but for the amount of times baby will be using it, I personally don't feel there's much point!
We have the Mama's and Papa's ergo two stage, my SIL has one and recomended it. It has a built in supports and helps with slippery babies!


thats what we have bought. I saw the price and though oh my goodness, then read the reviews and immediately clicked on add to basket! its quite big though and only just squeezes into our own bathtub. although think we will be bathing baby in the living room to start with.

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