Baby Dylan Frank


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Born Monday 16th June

So my little boy is now unbelievably 8 weeks old and this is the first opportunity I've had to create a journal! Life is so busy with a newborn and a 2 year old but loving it all the same. Here's My labour story...

I had been having quite strong Brixton hicks contractions for around 2 or 3 weeks before I went into labour, so thought I may have had him early. Turns out though I was 3 days overdue. The night before I had several symptoms that made me think he might be on his way such as heightened sense of smell, and feeling really emotional (sat crying in sainsburys cafe lol). I also had an urge to pack some larger babygros in my hospital bag, write down Gracie's bedtime routine for my mum who would be taking care of her whilst I was in labour and also took a bump shot.

I woke sometime between 2 and 2.30am with mild period like pains that seemed to be coming more regular but were less painful than the Brixton hicks I had been getting previous. I stated to time them an hour or so later and noticed they were coming every 10mins and lasted for around 20-25secs. During this time I felt so hungry so had a bowl of cereal than at 7am got up and was still hungry so had some toast. Weirdly enough I think the cat sensed it a she came and laid right beside me in bed and put her paw on my face! At 7am Mark woke and I told him he could possibly be meeting his son that day! But still wasn't sure was real thing due to having so many practice contractions so went about getting Gracie ready for pre school. Shaved my bikini line though just in case!! Got in the bath around 7.45 and when I got out the pains stated coming ally thick and fast! They started coming every 2 to 3 mins and were so painful shouted downstairs to Mark that we needed to call mum and get to hospital. Was in so much pain when got downstairs even did a wee on Gracie's potty as couldn't make it back up to the loo!! Poor Gracie kept asking what was wrong with mummy. My mum decided not to take her to preschool as it was 8.30am at this point.

Got to hospital within 10mins and upon examination I was 7cm dilated. Felt quite faint so they got me in bed & on gas and air, couldn't believe how rapidly the pain/contractions were progressing compared to my labour with Gracie. Pooed lots (tmi!) and felt desperate for wee but couldn't go. Mark was amazing rubbing my back and telling me how well I was doing. Then had overwhelming urge to push, was only pushing for 13mins before he was born at 10.58am. Dylan frank weighed 7lbs and had dark hair and eyes. Mark fed him his first bottle as I was shaking with the cold and adrenaline and had after pains which made me feel a bit unwell. Had a nice bath whilst daddy got some lovely cuddles with his son and after as Dylan was quite cold I got some skin on skin with him, sat there and sobbed as was a first chance I could really take it all in. At around 2.30am we got transferred onto the ward and mark went home to pick Grace up. When he brought her in she was so excited to meet her little brother, gave him kisses and kept saying "shhh" very cute.

The following day the midwife noticed he was jaundiced but they took his bilirubin levels and they were below the level where he would require treatment so we came home late afternoon. Unfortunately though by the next morning he had got more yellow looking so the midwife sent us back up the hospital. When we arrived we saw a paediatrician who took his bloods and confirmed his levels had risen considerably so had to stay in overnight and Dylan was put on the UV bed for 12 hours. At around 3am they were happy his levels had reduced enough so they switched the bed off and we were allowed home the following day. Was so relieved to be back home and have our little family all together.
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So initially I found life having a newborn again pretty tough, Dylan would seem to be unsettled a fair bit and although he was not at colic levels with his crying, he did have problems bringing his wind up which would make him uncomfortable and grizzly. We started Infacol and did notice an improvement after a week of using it. He seemed to be very hungry too, taking 3 to 4 ounces every 3 hours. This became quite exhausting at night, particulary as it would then take ages to bring up his wind and settle him back down after..the whole feeding/winding process took an hour or more then he would soon want feeding again! I was conscious of waking my daughter Grace so slept downstairs on the sofa beside his Moses basket. During the 2 weeks after he was born Mark was on paternity leave so we took it in turns, then once he was back at work Mark would do the feeds up until midnight so I could get some sleep in our bed, then I would come down to do the later feeds whilst he slept.

Those first 2 weeks I did struggle, felt so overwhelmed by everything and anxious about how our lives were going to change. Was very hormonal still too! Then once Mark went back to work I just got on with things and beGan to accept that whilst Dylan was quite an unsettled baby it wouldn't last forever. Sadly then once I started feeling better Mark felt down - think he found it hard to bond with Dylan because he struggled to settle him when he was upset and felt horribly guilty as a result. Said he didn't feel Dylan liked him as would only settle when with me. We bickered a lot as we were both tired and when Dylan was about 5 weeks old he was due to go on a stag weekend. The morning he was due to leave Gracie played up terrible and Dylan kept crying and we both sat there in tears. Him because he felt guilty for leaving and me because I was afraid of how I would cope. Turned out to do us both the world of good though, had mum over to help me each evening with the bedtime routine and kept really busy seeing friends, Mark had a good time too so think the time apart did us good.

The following week we had a wedding but unfortunately had to come home early as mum was babysitting and she rang to say Dylan would just not stop crying and she couldn't do anything with him. Was disappointed but had felt quite on edge being apart from him anyway when he was so young. The next day though he seemed so much happier and even gave us his first proper smile which was just lovely and made it all worthwhile.

He has continued to improve with his tummy issues and has managed a couple of longer stints in the night, 5 or 6 hours which has been great. Is also much quicker to settle after feeds so a lot less pacing up and down required! This past week we went up to Liverpool for 4 days to stay with Mark's mum, was a real tonic as she did a couple of the nights for us so we could both sleep in the same bed! He was a good boy too, happily dozing in his pram or car seat on days out. He has got so big he is starting to run out of room in his Moses basket, he doesn't have the room in there to stretch out his arms so we brought back with us the cot which Mark slept in as a baby. Made the decision too to move him up to our bedroom so I could get back to sleeping in a proper bed. Had first night last night and went well, took him downstairs for feeds but he settled again when brought him up. Feels a bit like we've turned a corner now which is nice, was lovely to wake up this morning in bed! Since those few days away Mark has turned a corner too and really enjoyed having the time to get to know Dylan when not stressed out with work..Dylan smiles at him lots so think hes definitely bonded with him now.

He did develop oral thrush not long after birth and had 2 lots of antibiotics, eventually though it seemed to clear up on its own. We get lots of comments on his size, looks older than he is so will be intrigued to find out his weight on Thursday when health visitor comes. Has outgrown newborn and Even some 0-3 looks tight! His hair fell out after a couple of weeks but it's now growing back, think he will continue to be dark and he has my dark brown eyes same as his sister. He had his first lot of jabs today, 1 in each leg and a liquid to take orally, poor baby screamed so glad that's over with. That said he's given me lots of lovely smiles and really recognises certain faces which is so nice. Is a proper attention seeker as even at this young age gets upset when I leave the room or he can't see me! But love my gorgeous little boy so much and excited to see how he changes and develops over the coming months.
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Congratulations Bella! (I just posted in Grace's journal too!) Amazing birth story! So pleased Dylan is here safe for u and after a tough start u all sound like u r doing well :) V happy for u!! Xxx
So last week we saw the health visitor, she weighed Dylan and he was a whopping 12lb 10oz! Has crept up to the 75th centile for his weight. That said he has slowed down with feeds, down to 6 feeds in 24hrs rather than 8 or 9. More often than not will have final feed before bed at around 7 or 8pm then will go through to about 2pm and wake again around 6am so great he's only really feeding once in the night. No specific routine with naps or bedtime although I am trying to take him up to bed around 9.30pm and I go to bed too at that time as so knackered from having Grace wake in the night! Nap times I'm finding he tends to feed in the morning then want to go back down again after a couple of hours in his cot but generally as we do something different each day he will sleep either in car seat/pushchair if we're out and about. Feel a lot more laid back this time and less anxious about getting him in a routine right away.

He is smiling loads which is lovely and starting to gurgle and make noises. He has the dummy a lot less now, I think because he is more settled and will often prefer to chomp on his fist. He also likes to grab his clothing which is really sweet, reckon he will be the sort to like a comfort blanket. Yesterday we went to a wedding and stayed over night which was the first time I had left him overnight, Mark's mum babysat at ours but she said he was good. We actually had a lovely time, I went away feeling confident as he's been more settled and it was the best thing for Mark & I to get some quality time together. I got my first AF last week, was heavy for first day but only lasted about 4 days so not bad at all although I felt so emotional and hormonal in the days leading up to it!
Have had a good week with Dylan, he's still following a similar routine to last although did manage to go for 8.5hrs between feeds one night :). Can usually pin point what is wrong now when he cries, normally only cries if hungry, has trapped wind, or needs a poo! Other than that he is generally a very happy boy. Been trying to give him a little tummy time each day, trying to establish it early on so he gets used to it as I remember Not trying it with Grace until she was around 3 or more months by which time she hated it. Have been using the lila kudis pillow from day one to prevent flat head and so far so good. He has managed to find and suck his thumb a couple of times which is really sweet, will be so handy if he does as he'll be able to self soothe.
This week we have noticed that Dylan has become much more vocal in that he babbles lots.. And loudly! He will particularly be loud if we are out of his line of vision to get our attention! He's a very cuddly baby, much more so than Grace was, also loves nappy off time though and kicking his legs on the changing mat. I do find I have to change his positioning/environment quite regularly to stop him getting fed up/grizzly.

The past couple of nights he's had 5 or 10 mins of super loud crying at around 7.30pm, then swiftly fell asleep once rocked so I think it's maybe down to over tiredness with it being the end of the day. He responds so well to white noise, does wonders for calming him and sending him to sleep so I will either put some on the iPad if I'm downstairs then for bedtime use gentle giraffe and switch it to the white noise sleep mode. Sends me to sleep too lol! Quite nice now that we are approaching the 3 month mark in that I feel I know him so much better, am more confident in settling him and so is Mark although we still have the odd night where he will just hand him over exasperated! Mark thinks it's just a case of me being with Dylan for much of the day so he naturally just feels secure with me and will settle a bit quicker. Mark is definitely enjoying him more though now that he is more responsive and will sit and have 'babble' conversations with him which is very sweet! Think I almost got a first giggle/laugh from Dylan this morning so lovely! Grace still likes to give him lots of cuddles too, really feels like he's always been here.

Had my second period yesterday since having him, oddly enough the first period after having him was relatively light and only lasted around 3 days, this one though has been really heavy and have felt a little light headed and had headaches.
So it's been a couple of weeks since I updated and Dylan is doing well, a lovely age now that he is so alert and smiling and gurgling, have even had a couple of giggles out of him which is adorable. Had started draining his 5 ounce bottles so switched him up to 6oz this week, kissed goodbye to the small baby bottles! As a result he's been going 4 hrs between feeds as opposed to 3-4 hours, which was the plan, was also hoping he'd reduce from 6 bottles a day to 5 but it's backfired in that he's still wanting the 6th bottle so not going for such a long stint in the evening. All trial and error really but think perhaps I should go back to letting him lead a bit in terms of feeding rather than trying to push a routine.

Nap times are still quite random which works for us at the moment what with having a second child, do find though that if he's been awake for more than 2.5-3hrs he's tired and needs to nap so he will tend to have several small naps in the day. Find myself so much more laid back this time round which is nice.
Unfortunately didn't get round to updating Dylan's journal last week, life has been so busy and feel so tired in the evenings! Dylan had his 3 month check from the health visitor last week and he's doing well, he was 12lb 10oz!! Is really filling out his 3-6 month babygros now and dungarees are also getting hoisty in the legs!! He's just a big baby all over and people often comment how he looks older then he is.

He's continuing to be very vocal often quite loud with it..has definitely found his voice!! Last week we were wondering if he was showing signs of teething as was chewing like crazy on everything and dribbling loads. Had to use the teeth a powders and gel a few times which did seem to help. This week he's seemed better although still dribbling loads, luckily I have lots of the little dribble bibs! Did order him a Sophie giraffe as managed to lose the one Grace had, he seems to like chewing on it.

Rolled over for the first time last week, he does quite enjoy tummy time which is a blessing as Grace hated it. This week we put him in the jumparoo for the first time, I did wonder if he was still a little young but a friend has a baby a couple of weeks younger and she said she was fine in it. He can hold his head up well now so he does enjoy it for short periods especially as he gets bored just lying under his baby gym. I do find I have to change his position/environment quite regularly to stop him getting agitated. Have borrowed a bumbo off a friend and he can sit up quite well in that too. It's lovely as he'll now interact a bit more with toys..inevitably though everything goes in the mouth!

Have started a little bedtime routine for him in that he'll either have a bath bottle and bed or a massage, bottle then bed. I love the massage; it's perfect now it gets dark earlier as I can have the room dimly lit with just a few candles then put some spa music or massage music on the iPad. I give him a bottle straight after and he'll fall asleep instantly. Also find it really relaxing for me too.

He's been waking more frequently in the night lately, last night he woke at 11.30pm and 5.15am for feeds but also 2 or 3 times in between that where I had to rock him back to sleep. Not sure if it's a growth spurt, wind, or the fact that he's been feeding a bit less during the day therefore hungrier at night. Definitely more fussy and we're not getting the longer stints at night like we were getting. Finding myself quite exhausted as a result, last night I went to bed at 8.30pm!!

He had his 2nd lot of jabs yesterday and screamed poor baby, has last lot in another months time. Starting to get used to juggling 2 kiddies now, I often think how easy it was before just having one! Last week I took Grace to her friends birthday party and MIL had Dylan, Grace was off playing and I almost found myself at a loose end lol!
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3 weeks since I updated!! Have just been so tired in the evenings haven't had the energy! That said Dylan now has a proper bedtime where we take him up as before we were doing his bottle/massage/sleep routine downstairs and just taking him up when went to bed. We've been putting him up between 6pm and 6.45pm, and Grace goes at 6.30pm so it's lovely now that we actually get some child free time in the evening!

He's still loving tummy time, almost the instant he's laid on his back now he will roll straight over onto his tummy. He has managed to roll from his tummy to his back but only done this twice. He does get frustrated on his tummy after a while as wriggles and wants to do more than he can; try to put lots of toys within easy reach to keep him amused. Have started putting him in the bumbo, initially he would sag down to the side but today for the first time he did seem to sit more upright so he's getting stronger. Will be lovely once he can sit up just with the aid of a few pillows, think it will open lots of opportunity for play for him. He is a lot more comfortable in the jumparoo now too and loves a good bounce! It's so handy as I can pop him in there for 20mins or so in the mornings and he's quite happy and amused while I prepare the bottles and breakfast and wash up.

Nap wise Dylan has started to settle into his own pattern now, typically he will nap for 30 mins at around 9am, have another nap at around midday and another at around 3pm. Being the second child he is able to fall asleep even when it's very noisy which is handy! I find he mostly drops off if sitting on someones lap facing out, or if in the pushchair or car. This morning he dropped off whilst in his bouncy chair when I had the hair dryer on.

Sleep wise at nightime has not been great, he's been waking somewhere around midnight to feed and then again at about 5am, problem is after the 5am feed he doesn't tend to bring up his wind so I find changing his nappy and let him have a wriggle on his mat is the only way to bring it up. But then he is awake and doesn't go back off so my day begins at a ridiculous hour! He may hen drop back off to sleep at around 6.30am or 7am but then Grace is awake! Wednesday morning he woke at 4.15am and didn't go back off till Grace was awake! BUT the past 2 nights have been better..when he has woken at 5am I found that if I rocked him back to sleep then laid him on our bed rather than back in his co the would go back off for another hour or so. Bliss! I do wonder if some of it is that he wakes up cold rather than hungry as that is quite a chilly time of the morning. Although I lie him on top of our quilt he does get the added warmth from the quilt underneath which I think helps him sleep. So glad we have a king size bed!

Last weekend Mark went away for the night doing the tough mudder challenge and I had a hen do on the Saturday night so mum came over to babysit. Managed to get both kids off to sleep before I went out but unfortunately mum rang me and I had to come home at 10.15pm as Dylan had woken and wouldn't stop screaming. Was still upset when I got home but I managed to settle him. Does seem to only really settle with me which is odd considering I'm not breastfeeding. I guess because I spend so much time with him. Felt a bit down and that coupled with his 4am start the other morning led to me sobbing into my breakfast so I said to Mark we really needed a chat as I was really struggling. We had a good talk and whilst we both agreed is wasn't practical for mark to go back to doing night feeds in the week when he has to work we did agree that he would take the kids out on a more regular basis either at weekends or when on annual leave so I get some "me" time and the opportunity to catch up on sleep or chill out. So that's what's happening tomorrow...Mark is taking both kiddies out for the day with his dad and I get a whole day to myself :) plan on staying in pjs all day watching trash on telly and eating junk! That said I daresay I will do a couple of jobs but that will be a nice novelty too as can never seem to get on with anything.

Weight wise Dylan was 15lb 10oz a couple of weeks ago and has now moved up to 6-9 month clothing eek! Such a beautiful boy though with his big brown eyes and his olive skin. Love him!
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So my baby boy is continuing to grow at such a rapid rate! Have had a couple of tough weeks with Dylan's sleep (or lack thereof!) were finding that in addition to waking for feeds he was waking up unsettled up inbetween them, and would need me to rock him back to sleep again. Although only awake for 5 mins or so each time still makes for such a broken nights sleep for me. Exhausted I spoke to a friend who recommended the sleep head mattress which is basically a soft mattress which cocoons the baby and makes them feel safe and secure. As he seems to sleep so much better on our soft bed I thought perhaps this MIT be the answer as the mattress on his cot is quite firm. We ordered it and we have seen some improvements, he still wakes although not quite as frequent and I no longer have to lie him on our bed.

I think part of the wakefulness has also been down to teething as he's been chewy like mad on things and getting so upset at times, have already got through one tube of teething gel. His Sophie giraffe has been a godsend as we can put the teething gel on the legs and then have him chew it. Have had thoughts about weaning him early in case it is hunger waking him but that said he doesn't always drain his bottles every time so I have my doubts.

Generally though he is a very smiley boy during the day...has the cutest smile I have a feeling he will be a real heartbreaker when he's older! His bedtime routine has gone a bit out the window, mainly due to his feeding times being so irregular that he'll often have a bottle at 5ish therefore won't want another one at 6 or 7pm. He's not the kind of baby I can just lie down awake so I've been keeping him downstairs with me then taking him up when he falls asleep. Daresay I'm making a rod for my own back as he's not able to self soothe but have just found everything so much more difficult this time round and struggling to get into any sort of routine that lasts for more than a couple of weeks. Hopefully that will come more once he starts on solids.

He's continuing to do great with tummy time and is really starting to play now and explore his toys which is lovely. Been sitting him up to okay and supporting him with one hand so hopefully won't be long before he can sit up by himself. Loves his jumparoo too.
Feel quite sad I don't get to update this journal as often as I'd like as Dylan is changing so much each week! This past week he has learnt to sit up completely unsupported and has been so happy for it as he can play freely with his toys. He has been in quite a regular routine with feedings, 4 hourly in day then one around midnight and another around 5am.

On Monday I decided to start weaning him so the first couple of days just gave him some baby rice at around 5pm followed by his normal bottle. Then gave him another smaller bottle at around 7.30pm before bed and both nights he has gone longer! The first night he woke at 3.30am and 6am and last night didn't wake for a feed until 4.20am then slept again till 6.45am! Am not getting too excited though as dare say we will be back to normal tonight, particularly as he hasn't done a poo since Monday so worried he's getting bunged up again. This evening at dinner time I tried him on puréed carrot, he seemed to like it more than the baby rice but only had a few spoons and much of it came back out again! A great feeling though to know we have made a start.

Have managed to lie him in his cot for daytime naps a few times and let him self settle...will grizzle for a bit but will put his mobile on and some white noise on the iPad and he will eventually go off so feeling chuffed about that. He's so smiley still and adores his big sister, she provides great entertainment for him and will tickle him and coo at him and have him in stitches! So lovely it makes my heart melt. Have been going to a little baby group for a few weeks now called "baby babble" at the library, it's lovely to meet other mums with babies similar age and great to get that quality time with Dylan as it's on a Monday morning when Grace is at preschool. There's toys for the babies to play with then we do some singing with actions and scarves and always finish off with the babies lying in the parachute while the girl that runs it blows bubbles. Dylan loves it!

Going away at the weekend to Norfolk to stay in a large house with lots of friends and their children..excited but at the same time apprehensive about the night times and the possible lack of sleep (especially as we will have both kids in our room waking each other up!) Will be an experience but I'm sure lots of fun too. Have bought the kids Christmas jumpers as we are going to be cooking a big Christmas dinner on the Saturday. Lovely to think Dylan will be up the table with us too!
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As usual so much to update! Since I last wrote we went away for our weekend to Norfolk, had a nice time but unfortunately Dylan had a bit of a cold while we were there so was quite unsettled both nights, came back feeling really tired! Didn't really give him many solids whilst there, decided to wait till we got back so I could properly get into the swing of things. Had a few problems though in that he just wasn't interested in taking the spoon, wouldn't open his mouth really at all and just wanted his milk. The day before Christmas Eve he caught another cold with a chesty cough (from Grace) and was really miserable poor little boy. When I did manage to get food in him he would wake in the night seemingly with tummy pains, and with terrible smelly wind! I was worried all the phlegm was going to his chest so made an appointment with the doctor as didn't want him getting worse over Xmas. The doctor listened to his chest but said it sounded lovely and clear, I mentioned to him the problems we were having with weaning and he suggested contacting my health visitor.

Rang and spoke to a lovely health visitor who was so helpful, she made lots of good suggestions and said his reluctance to take the spoon could be to having a sore mouth if he was teething. She suggested putting some teething gel in his mouth 10 minutes before feeding him and see if that helped. When I explained about his cold she said the tummy pains and wind where more likely down to the cold and mucus rather than the food, particularly as he'd been eating so little. She said mucus can make them feel a bit sick and he was probably mouth breathing therefore taking in more air. She suggested laying off the solids over Christmas until he felt better and then trying again.

By Christmas Day he was feeling a lot better and we had a lovely at mums, so exciting his first Christmas! He got totally spoilt with lots of lovely toys and clothes. Boxing Day we went out to a restaurant with Mark's dad and family and Dylan did eat from a pouch of food which was great. Then on the Saturday Mark's mum & partner came here so it was like having 3 Xmas days!

Over the last week Dylan has come on so much with the solids, he's had a few jars which really kick started it as they're so smooth and easy to eat, now he's got on well with those I'm planning on making some more of my own purées out of the annabel karmel book. Sleep wise he was more in a routine of going to bed a bit later and waking a bit later over the holidays but this past week he has generally been going down at around 7pm, waking at midnight for a feed then going down again until 5.30am. Still in a killer in how early it is but hoping might improve as he eats more solid food. We moved him into his own bedroom about a week ago, it's not decorated yet but we hoped we would all sleep a bit better by doing so and he does seem more settled as doesn't have us disturbing him when we go up to bed.

Mark is also getting on better in that he is now able to out him down to bed, before Dylan would often cry and be clingy for me so this is a Great Leap Forward and also frees me up a bit if I want to go out in the evening.
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Well it has been a ridiculously long time since I updated this journal, so many times recently I have intended to sit down in the evening and update but usually by the time the kids are in bed and the jobs are all done its all I can do to collapse in front of the telly and switch off my brain!

So My gorgeous little boy is over a year old now and a fully fledged toddler as tottering around with a ridiculous amount of confidence bless him. But I guess I should start where I left off really and that was January, to be honest I was struggling generally with life with 2 kiddos and a baby that didn't sleep, I became quite down and many a morning would cry into my cereal and just feel that I couldnt cope. Mark and I had gone through periods of almost constant bickering, mainly over parenting issues and also trivial things that seemed so much bigger because we were both just exhausted. I just found it so hard to function with such little sleep, especially after having Grace who has always been such a good sleeper. Never had the option to nap when Dylan napped either due to having to take care of a 3 year old too. Convinced I would just snap out of it I waited out but It got to the point where i was losing patience with the kids in particular poor Grace who as a result started misbehaving more. I realised at that point that it was unfair to continue like it and after a frank heart to heart with Mark made an appointment for the doctors.

Even just going there and admitting how I felt felt like a weight had been lifted off, he was so amazing and understanding and made me realise that it's such a common thing for mums to go through. I remember feeling guilty for feeling that way at a time when I should have been so happy and grateful for having 2 gorgeous kiddies. The doctor prescribed me citalopram and its only now I feel like myself again I can look back and realise just how low I was at the time.

So now for what this journal is all about...Dylan's update! I did make a note on the calendar of all his important milestones, I'll do a quick list of them below...

7 months old - clapped for the first time
- cut 1st tooth

8 months old - said 1st word "dad dad"
- cut 2nd tooth
- pulled himself up to standing

9 months old - crawled properly
- cut 3rd tooth
- waved
- walked with walker

10 months old - cut 4th tooth

11 months old - took a couple of first steps
1st birthday - stood up completely unaided
12 months old - Began walking!

So that's a quick summary of all his firsts. He took a few first steps before he was a year but it wasn't until he mastered standing up without needing to hold onto anything that he was properly off walking and then then was no stopping him! Had a lot more confidence than qualms about falling over must be a boy thing lol!

He had his first holiday abroad... At the end of May we flew out to Greece with FIL & partner, her 2 children and their families so all in all 8 adults and 6 children! Stayed in a gorgeous villa on the mainland right on a cliff overlooking the bay. Dylan did brilliantly, such a good boy on the flight both there and back, and had a long transfer once the other side which he slept through most of. Once we were there it was a little tricky at times keeping him away from the pool (infinity edge eek!) but spent a lot of time on the beach too which he loved. His routine was all over the place but actually the fact that he can sleep pretty much anywhere with plenty of noise worked in our favour as meant he could take naps in his little UV tent on the beach (after we'd rocked him to sleep first) or in the pushchair on the nights we went out for dinner. He ate so well too, even trying squid and swordfish!! Whilst out there we made the decision to stop sterilising his bottles as he was only a week away from his first birthday. Then once home switched him onto cows milk so those 2 things have made life easier. Was quite an epic moment throwing that damn steriliser in the wheelie bin...yes!

We've since had a second holiday away with MIL and her partner and marks brother and family. Went to North Norfolk last month and stayed in a cottage near Cromer. Again had a lovely week, weather was fairly good with only one morning of rain so got out and about lots. Dylan had his first trip on a boat and first ride on a steam train! He was still at the stage where he was walking but falling over lots but have noticed past couple of weeks how he's so much steadier and can get around pretty quick now.

So onto the last update with probably the least changes since I last wrote...sleep! Well he still pretty much doesn't! Have come to the conclusion he is just one of those babies that is always going to be a bit of a crap sleeper...although half of it is probably my doing as I have always been quick to pick him up whenever he cries at night. His basic routine at night is that he will go down between 6.30 and 7pm...then wakes anytime between 10.30 and midnight for a feed (only has 4 ounces) then will go off for a bit but normally always wakes again crying at which point I will try settling him and lying him down again but almost always end up bringing him in with us for the remainder of the night. He will then wake again around 5am, have a little drink of milk and go off again until 6.30 or 7pm. I know I'm making a rod for my own back bringing him in with us but it's been the only way I can get some decent sleep. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do at the time to get some kip and remain sane! And it's been nice to finally feel like I get a little bit of my evenings back..not having to go to bed at 9am every night like I used to as I knew I would be up and down with him all night.

So that's pretty much it! Finally all up to do date, going to try and make much more effort to write regularly as they change so much at this age.
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Bless u hun! Sounds like you've had such a tough time! So glad u went and got help- good for you! I too am on the antidepressants. A second bout of pnd for me. Hit me harder and faster this time with Zac than it did with Ethan :-/ Been on meds since he was 6 weeks old (he turned 1 last week!) Sounds like Dylan is doing great! I really hope he gets better with his sleep soon- you know he will eventually! *hugs* xxx
So much for updating more regularly! But better late than never. Dylan is doing really well, he was very slow to start with with his speech but he's now saying loads! Can count to 10, and is starting to put a couple of words together such as "more breakfast please". Tonight as I was putting him to bed he was singing wheels on the bus.." Babies, bus, waa waa waa." very cute and funny. This morning it was mothers week at Gracie's preschool so I took Dylan in with me and he absolutely loved it! Was just off playing with the toys and the children and joined in with all the singing. Have it in our minds we will start him there once he's 2 and a half same as we did for Gracie.
We go to couple of groups a week, and every other week I take him singing at the library. He is so into books, will happily sit for hours on someone's lap with a book. Definitely a lot more cuddly than what grace was at his age..he has his "mussy" which is his little security thing and will say "mummy cuddle" and want picking up and cuddling. Just lovely.
Sleep wise he's still pretty awful and in with us most nights despite starting off in his own bed. But getting some sleep which is main thing. Been deliberating converting his cot into a bed to see if that makes any difference. Does sleep with a proper pillow and quilt now so at least he's nice and cosy.
So yesterday we made the decision to take the sides off Dylan's cot! He still relies on falling asleep on my lap whilst in the chair in his room but because he is so big now it's so hard for him to get I thought if he was in a bed I could lie him down then lie beside him until he fell asleep. Worked well! Thought made sense to do it now before the clocks alter as it's still dark when he goes to sleep so less temptation to get out and play! Then hopefully by the time they change he'll be used to the bed. Last night he called for me as normal and still ended up coming in with us but at least he wasn't going for a wander! We shall see how tonight goes.
So another long overdue update! Dylan is doing well, is talking lots and having been having full blown conversations for several months. He's really into dinosaurs and is very creative with imaginary play. So he's been in his toddler bed now for 7 months, but up until this last week was still waking frequently calling for me and eventually I would end up bringing him in with us. This past week though things have shifted a bit and he's only been waking once or twice for a drink of water but will lie straight back down and go off to sleep again in his own bed which is fab. I was starting to think he would be in with us till he was 16 haha!
He's a very effectionate little boy and has a great sense of humour, and adores Grace although they do argue!! He did really miss her when she started school but he's used to it now. Have to say it's quite nice having that one on one time with him now and so much easier just having the one child for a large chunk of the day. At times it's hard to amuse them both when they want to do different things.
Potty training wise we haven't done anything official but he has willing sat on the Potty a few times and done a wee like before a bath or bedtime. So definitely think he is ready. Gonna continue with a laid back approach getting him to sit on there perhaps in morning and at bedtime then gradually increase as he becomes familiar with it.
So we potty trained Dylan just after Christmas and he's doing brilliantly! This past week he has even been dry in the night a few times can't believe it. Think because it was so challenging with Grace he has seemed like a breeze, think it's also helped we've felt much more laid back this time. This month he starts preschool, going to be doing monday and Thursday mornings. Brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it! Think I'll be worse this time as he's my last. Equally will be nice to have a bit of time to myself to get things done but I am finding as the kids get a little bit older I'm missing that baby stage. Definitely not enough to have another though!!

Generally he is a really good, sweet little boy but he can be rather boisterous and loud when playing! Will play happily though and is happy to amuse himself so not too demanding in that area. Can be damanding in other areas though, particularly when we're in the car..always wanting a drink or something to eat or some other request I can't carry out when driving! He prefers the comfort of home a lot more than his sister; grace is one for always wanting to go out but Dylan prefers the familiarity of home and his favourite toys, books, tv programmes. That said we go to a couple of tots groups a week which he does enjoy a lot.

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