baby girls names cant decide


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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hi girls how did you and oh agree on a name were having so much trouble oh likes old names like charlotte and kimberly and i dont like them
these are the names i like

evie oh likes none!!!! zilch!!!!!
HELP x:wall2:
What about a name that could be shortened to one you like? So evelyn but shortened to Evie? X

I adore Macie :)

I do love Eve, Eva, Evie and Ava all the same lol.

I have 4 friends all call their lil girls them names. Gets soooo confusing!!! And then my other two friends called one Ellie and Another Ella.. I always always call the kids by the wrong bloody name!
We've had the same problem so we went away and each made a list of names we liked then had a look to see if we had any in common (we didn't for boys!) but he suggested some I'd not even thought of and decided I liked. I think as long as one of you really don't hate a name you can compromise, we crossed off the names the other hated so we're left with a list we can both live with! I think if we have a girl I will choose and he will decide a boys name! By the way, Ava is on my list too, he said it sounds like hitlers girlfriends name! Sure she was Eva tho, so that's been crossed off for me! :0(
Neve and Ava are so sweet :)

What about Abigail, could call her Abbie? Lillian - Lilly? Rebecca - Becky? Amelia - Milly?

Or Olivia, Freya, Grace? All older names that are kinda coming back :)

Hope that helps a little bit hun! xxx
Hi Linx

I am so biast but i love Eva, its my lil girls name and my next lil girl i always said would be called Macie so seems we have the same taste in names.

All the names you have are so nice thou, i think its harder choosing a girls name cos theres so many beautiful names out there

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I have similar problems, OH likes more straight forward names, but nearly all of them I hate lol

He then has reasons for not liking most of my choices, my fave was Zara but as his ex is Tara he says no way :(

Really wanted a Zara Mae Gallagher!!! Thought it sounded lovely...........

And the only one we kinda liked together was Amber Mae, but my cousin recently had Audrey May (We're honouring the same Aunt with the Mae/May) we've had to scrap that lol
Could you not have a name like lacie charlotte!? Or combine the two?? Otherwise do what some else said and have a different name you can shorten?? X
Love the name Evie, its the top of our girls name list :D x
Oh and me had this problem, i came up with LOADS of names i loved, and oh didnt like any! So i basically said well you make a list and i'll say which ones i like. Eventually got about 3 we both like :). Men are difficult buggers! x x
I love Evie & I also had Gracie-Mae for a girls name. But I'm carrying blue :lol:
Hmm, i dunno.

I think my tastes is more like your OHs :oooo:

All the names that you listed are everywhere at the moment.

Maybe you could compromise by naming your little girl the longer versions of your names so they can be shortened by you and kept long by OH?

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thanx girls this has helped alot, :) i will talk to the oh tonight after work but he doesnt seem very interested in anything at the moment so ill get a grunt and thats it :(
LOVE Lacie, my little girl is "Lacey"
I loved the name Ava too but OH never liked it or she would of been Ava...glad i went with Lacey now though as i love it even more. xxx

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