Baby Joseph's Autosy results


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Just had results this morning. Baby Joseph is infact baby Josephine....they could not find anything wrong with my little girl. No reason for her to why did she :(

Just isn't fair...I have to spend my life wondering now :(
aww hun thats terrible that they cannot find an answer for you :hugs: it puzzles me why these things happen if there is no indication as to what caused it! Sending you lots of hugs xxx
I am so sorry for your loss, and that the autopsy didn't provide you with the information that you needed. I know it must be so hard for you. My sister was still born, and they couldn't determine a reason as to why. My mum blames herself, as there is nothing else to blame but it is in no way her fault just as it's in no way yours.

You are such a strong lady xxxx
massive hugs sweety xx im so sorry you didnt get closure, sometimes as harsh as it is there just isnt a reason its so unfair :-( massive massive hugs
my amazingly strong cousins baby was born still born at 25 weeks. No reasons were ever found. For a long time she blamed herself and even her partner as she was blaming a genetic problem etc. She did get over things slowly and made her peace with life she then went on to have 5 kids. She is a hero to me and so are all you ladies that have suffered such heartbreak and truama. I hope you find the peace you need in time. xxxxxxxxxxx
So sorry that you still havent got any answers hun. Must of been a shock to find out she was a little girl too massive hugs xxxxxxxxx

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I'm so so sorry that you did get the info you wanted :( rest in peace little baby girl xxxx
Hi Sweetie,

So sorry that you didn't get any answers as to why this awful thing happened to your baby girl.

I know it's so very hard not to, but please don't blame yourself :hugs:
Im so sorry you didnt get the answers you were looking for! Rest in peace your baby girl! xxx
So sorry you didnt find out what you needed to, RIP baby Josephine xxx
:hugs:Sorry hun, I'm at a loss for words. I pray you find some sort of comfort through this difficult time.
Oh Tee hun,

I am sorry to hear that there were no answers for you and your OH!

Also I imagine finding out Joseph was Josephine must have been a bit if a shock?

I think the important thing is that baby was much loved and much wanted and she will always know this..... She may never have lived but she knows her MUmmy and Daddy love her very, very much!

You have been so amazingly strong and you should be proud of yourself.

Please try not to let this set you back, you are still grieving and regardless of the autopsy results it is natural you are still feeling sad.

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I'm so sorry they didn't find a cause which would help you know what happened and move on more.
What a lovely change of name to Josephine you have taken for her , that must have been a suprise.

I can't help but repeat, pls don't switch blame to yourselves now, nothing you did or didn't do will have caused this depsite having no reason with baby to point to, somethings will unfortunately always remain unexplained, but with no set issue found, then is no real reason to expect this to happen again too, which is a positive to take forward from here if you can.

hugs XX
So sorry for ur loss of ur little girl and have no answers, take care xxxxxxx
So sorry u didn't get ur answers! Stay strong xxx

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