Baby measuring small?

Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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Hi all, I'm sorry but I haven't introduced myself yet, I'll make an introductory post shortly.

I've just returned from my 31 week widwife appointment, and baby is measuring 3 weeks early; ie fundal height (I think, the tape they measure down your tummy with?) is 28 weeks.

I've been referred to the doctor on thursday and have to sit and wait to be scanned too, but I'm really worried.

My last scan was my 20 week scan, and noone mentioned he was small, my last midwife appointment was at 28 weeks for my Anti-D but I've never been measured before so I suppose it wouldn't have been picked up then.

Has anyone else encountered this and what kind of problems are incurred?

Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the forum :wave: !

Please don't worry, there are so many women on here that will tell you how inaccurate
these measurement tests can be. I measured small through my whole 1st preganany and she
was 7lb 14 born 4 days early. The tape measurement is really a rough guide for midwives i'd say, I think alot of woman are told they are small in their first pregnancy, my bump was tiny
because I had nice strong muscles back then! I'm sure everything will be fine xxx
Yeah ignore it I was told i was measuring big and he's evening out now, only way to tell is when their born.

If their still concerned get themt o book you a growth scan at about 33 weeks that would be more accurate


Welcome to the forum!
Please don't worry too much :hug:

At my 20 week scan they thought Sam's head was measuring small so I was referred to a consultant. From then onwards they kept telling me he was small for dates, the placenta wasn't functioning properly and he would be small at birth.

I ended up having to be monitored for the rest of my pregnancy every other week and I was really worried.

When he was born he weighed 7lb he is now almost 14 weeks weighs 14lb and is a little bruiser :D


I would definitely ignore this - I was told I was measuring 3 weeks earlier at 33 weeks so they arranged for a scan - all was fine and baby was weighing slightly above what he should have done.

Fundal height measurements are a load of rubbish in my opinion - I'm a small person but baby is taking up as much space as he needs. On the plus side it was lovely to have an extra scan and we got a great pic of his face (see below) xxx
Hi hun! :wave: I've never measured exactly how many weeks I am (always ahead), I guess they're just being extra sure with the scan but I'm sure everything will be absolutely fine!

If you think about it, 3cm is nothing, so try to relax and just enjoy the fact that you get to see your LO again! :hug: x
Little Bump said:
Hi all, I'm sorry but I haven't introduced myself yet, I'll make an introductory post shortly.

I've just returned from my 31 week widwife appointment, and baby is measuring 3 weeks early; ie fundal height (I think, the tape they measure down your tummy with?) is 28 weeks.

I've been referred to the doctor on thursday and have to sit and wait to be scanned too, but I'm really worried.

My last scan was my 20 week scan, and noone mentioned he was small, my last midwife appointment was at 28 weeks for my Anti-D but I've never been measured before so I suppose it wouldn't have been picked up then.

Has anyone else encountered this and what kind of problems are incurred?

Thanks in advance.

could be way off here but sam?? aka arab mad??
Hi hun :wave: xx

Yes, it's me lol After any advice possible as I'm pooping myself big time!

I'm just so worried something awful will be wrong with him :(
Little Bump said:
Hi hun :wave: xx

Yes, it's me lol After any advice possible as I'm pooping myself big time!

I'm just so worried something awful will be wrong with him :(

i replyed on EW so not much point typing it out on here again but really dont think you should worry!!
3cm is just on the border of having to get a scan etc, and if your anything like me you will be fine. my bump gre 6cm in 3 weeks between 31week check and 34week check so fingers crossed your wee one does too.

it really isnt supposed to be very accurate either tho!!
As the others said, it is not guaranteed to be accurate at all so don't worry yourself hun.

Hope the scan goes well :) xx
I had exactly the same thing (except I think I was measuring four weeks behind) but the growth scan showed my LO to be exactly the right weight for my dates. The fundal height measurement seems to be a really inaccurate way of telling baby size.

So try not to worry; I'm sure everything will be okay! :hug:

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