Baby Miss - Birth of Georgia

oh my god, i want your labour and birth!!! Do you reckon it's too late for me to start learning natal hypnotherapy at 2 days overdue? :)

congrats as well!! xx
Wow, what a great labour! You done so well!! She is beautiful, congrats. xxx
Haha thanks girls.

I must admit it all felt abit surreal to me after I do remember thinking please don't let it be a dream lol

Sunnyb you are most welcome hun! Mitchell loves her to bits! He has a hold every evening on the sofa and can't stop beaming at her. How is Joseph taking to his big brother status?

I have yet to read everyones birth stories everytime I do my bloody phone plays up so please don't think I am being rude I will get to the pc today lol xxx
Aww what a lovely birth story - welldone! :)

She is gorgeous, love her hair!!

Wish I'd found out about hypnotherapy earlier, sounds great!

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Huge Congrats again miss! You did amazing, if I ever have another one I'll be doing it this way lol

X x x x

congratulations hun thats a lovely birth story, hope Ill be writing a similar one one day, your baby is gorgeous :love:
that sounds like a fantastic birth, well done! congratulations.
What a great birth story! Congratulations! I plan to use the same CDs, I've not brought them yet did you use them early on?
wow i cant believe how stress free and simple your labour sounds.... well done!!! I had the same attitude going in for induction and tried to relax as much as i could but it was still a bit of an ordeal for me! x
Hey Sarah12 - I stated using the pergnancy relaxation cd in the 1st tri - due to personal stress in my life I was just looking for a way to relax - but you can pick it up at anytime in pregnancy! Just take time out everyday day to listen to the cd and relax (I fell asleep a lot while listening!) it's not until you are 32 weeks that you move on to the second cd - so you have plenty of time!x

Cherelle! How are you hun? Hope things are going well and that baby Ifan is keeping you busy! My labour was really stress free lol I still can't believe it myself and everytime I tell someone how it went they just stare at me mouth open lol x

Thank you Amanda! I hope you and Asher are well! x
Lovely birth story, congrats! I've been thinking about hypnobirthing for sometime, definately going to get a book/cd's now! Hope you and baby georgie are doing well, she is gorgeous! xx
What a great inspirational story, I've just started the Maggie Howell effective birth prep cd, its really relaxing but I'm still a bit sceptical it could get me through completely calm, so it is sooooo reassuring to read how much it helped you, I defo want a labour like yours lol!!
Bunnykins I felt exactly the same! Lol but honestly it works! I also had the best nights sleep after listening to the cd! Have you read the book? It's brill!

Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy hun and I hope you enjoy your labour as much as I enjoyed mine! X
Such a positive birth story I'm very envious and a super cute baby too. Congratulations!

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