Baby Signing - Come chat about it here!

Ignore that I googled and they are the same show :wall:
Lol sing and sign do DVDs and mr tumble is also on DVD x
I'm starting the milk sign with Seb now x can't wait until he's signing x
I went to visit a nursery/pre school for Adam and this is taught as part of the learning journey. I was very impressed :)
He starts on Monday x x

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That is brilliant! The sure start baby stuff around here have baby signing courses x
Im 90% sure Morgan signed milk this morning when I was trying to feed him sweet potato :lol: He didnt want the potato and I was thinking of abandoning the whole things anyway. he was looking at the milk and me with his hand going like mad! Hes been copying the sign when I do it for about a week and yesterday was on his play mat studying his own hand doing the 'milk' sign but I didnt think he'd learned the meaning of it yet :faint:

Im well proud of him!!! Hes only 5 months old! Needless to say: the sweet potato went and he got his milk :lol:
I have a video of me introducing signing with my LO. PM me if you'd like to see. Id rather not post the link here in public cos it is a video of my baby but happy to share it with anyone wanting to learn about baby signing x
Can anyone recommend any good signing books or DVDs? There's lots to choose from.
My cousin told us recently that at only 18 months her son didn't have enough words to express his annoyance that Daddy had come in and changed the TV channel, he just did some very dramatic signing! (She's signed a lot with both kids as one of her other cousins is deaf and so she has signed BSL since a child herself) My Mum and I were in fits imagining it lol
Ahhh I cant wait till Little Legs is here so we can get started on baby signing! xx
not too long left now!!! Hope youre keeping well xxx
Can anyone recommend any good baby signing books or DVDs?

I do a bit with Blake but only when I remember. Want to do more of it. will not be able to stop singing the songs, even when your child is not around

I cant drive past a farm sign without going "I went to visit a farm one day I saw a duck along the way, what do you think I heard him say, quack, quack, quack." and I tell you what, people look at you really funny when youre signing 'duck' to yourself sitting at traffic lights :rofl:
awww can't wait to start our signing classes, have to wait until the beginning of May though because they were booked up so far in advance!!
Which classes are you going to? Who are they run by?

I can't find any near me but I'm thinking... Hmmmm business opportunity?!
definately a good business opportunity! I was thinking about doing it but my friend knows someone whos applying for the franchise! :doh:

Have you looked at the 'tinytalk' website?

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