Back from hols and 24 weeks today!


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2007
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Hello ladies,

Been on holiday to Spain for 2 weeks, and i'm excited about reading through all the posts i've missed! I'm 24 weeks today as well. I must have grown alot in 2 weeks as flying out from Liverpool there were no questions asked but coming home from Alicante I was asked about 4 times how far gone I was by the easyjet staff! One even asked me something about a certificate, I said I was only 24 weeks and she was fine about it! Off to read through all your posts now. It's good to be back, I think i've brought the good weather back with me!

Wahey you're back! And huge congratulations on being 24 weeks! :cheer: Feels so good to know there's that chance of survival should baby be SO desperate to meet us lol!

Glad you had a nice time, and you'll have to post your bump pics so we can all see how much bubs has grown! xx
Thanks for bringing the good weather back :D Hope you had a lovely relaxing holiday, great to see you back :D

Congrats on your 24 weeks :cheer:

Just one question as I'm off on holiday on Saturday, did you get your bump groped by security? In case you were smuggling explosives disguised as a bumpage? :D
Yea gotta second mildy cheers for all this sunshine mrs :)
Happy 24th week !!!!
lol cant wait to hear whether you got frisked or not if you did i might have to plan a holiday :p wootwoo
Mildly said:
Thanks for bringing the good weather back :D Hope you had a lovely relaxing holiday, great to see you back :D

Congrats on your 24 weeks :cheer:

Just one question as I'm off on holiday on Saturday, did you get your bump groped by security? In case you were smuggling explosives disguised as a bumpage? :D

Hehe. Going out at Liverpool, a lady at security brushed her hand over my bump, but coming home they didn't touch me! The alarms didn't beep so i think it was an extra security measure at Liverpool. Where are you off Mildly? If your flying, I found the easyjet staff very nice. I HATE flying and would normally take some calms but couldn't being pregnant, the staff were very sympathetic of my fear! I HATE take off and landing, and even had a little cry :(

dannii87 said:
Wahey you're back! And huge congratulations on being 24 weeks! :cheer: Feels so good to know there's that chance of survival should baby be SO desperate to meet us lol!

Glad you had a nice time, and you'll have to post your bump pics so we can all see how much bubs has grown! xx

I know it's great Dannii. Congrats on your 24 weeks as well!!! The front page of the paper (daily mail) I was reading on the plane today was about reducing the abortion cut off point from 24 weeks to 20 weeks, it made me sad :( It's hard to believe up until today I could have aborted my baby. I know some women have good reason at this stage, but it's hard to imagine now I know i'm carrying a proper little human being, who could survive if they were born today!!! :shock: SCARY thought! ... ge_id=1770

:lol: I'm sure I heard one of the other ladies on the forum say they were frisked before boarding, at least she gave you a little brush as opposed to a poke :D

We are off to Sardinia but are flying Thomsonair not easyjet. I tried to cost the holiday using ryanair and booking direct with the hotel but it worked out more expensive than the package deal. Aww bless you for having a little cry :hug: I hope your OH was all supportive!
Mildly said:
:lol: I'm sure I heard one of the other ladies on the forum say they were frisked before boarding, at least she gave you a little brush as opposed to a poke :D

We are off to Sardinia but are flying Thomsonair not easyjet. I tried to cost the holiday using ryanair and booking direct with the hotel but it worked out more expensive than the package deal. Aww bless you for having a little cry :hug: I hope your OH was all supportive!

I would love to go to Sardinia, you lucky thing. And no DH is not at all sympathetic, he's embarrased about my fear of flying! He says I lose all sense of decorum at 30,000 feet! He's right though as I think nothing of letting out a scream at a hint of turbulence!

We found a really great deal, only £300 pp for a week which is pretty cheap for Sardinia :D Although if my OH was happy about going to Spain we could have found somewhere much cheaper :roll:

Aww at your screaming :hug: I hope it was a fairly gentle flight for you :D

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