back from midwife


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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so had midwife. was no convincing her to do a sweep. everything is fine with baby. she said she thinks he is long.

hope not too long. need to get some use out of newborn clothes got so many. lol.

she also commented that there is a big open space at the top of my bump now where baby has moved down which is why i kept thinking it felt soft and squishy.

she has booked me in for a sweep next wednesday but has said she doubts very much she will be seeing me as the way baby is laying and how engaged he is it looks pretty promising to be anytime now.

since seeing her ive had backache and belly pain worse than i have before. dont know whether its just where she was having a feel around or not. not going to get my hopes up but going to lay in the bath for an hour to see if it goes cos pretty achey. poor woman in dvla thought i was gonna go into labour. xxx
Aw, it does sound promising. Hope you get going soon :yay: x
me to. the pains are worse than normal. xx
back ache and period pains are pretty constant and every now and then a wave of pain sort of shoots across bump. xxx
oooooh :yay: lets hope it'll be time to start timing them soon xx
Oooh maybe things are starting to happen and it needed a wee bit of poking and prodding from the MW! Hope it is for you. x
Hope its the start of things for you! go and relax (if you can) in the bath and hopefully things will pick up! :)
Ohhh hope this is the start of things for you! Fingers crossed :) xxx
well out of the bath and didnt feel alot of pains in there but as soon as im out again there bk.

gonna bounce on ball for an hour or so. hmmm what film to watch to keep me entertained. xx
All sounds very promising! Fingers crossed midwife is right and u don't need the sweep!!! Xxx
ooo sounds very good! maybe another baby before the weekend :) fingers are crossed for you.
ooooh how exciting - hope it is the start of things :dance:
pretty much the same. wanting it all to kick off. xx
I keep checking every morning convinced you have gone into labour. at least we are waiting together! :( x
im getting so fed up of getting pains them getting stronger then going away again. xx

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