Back to EBF


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Well, I'm pretty much done with expressing, mum's going back gome this weekend, so there won't be time for me to pump all the time like I used to.

I've been EBF for a few days and I feel like a new mummy, it's been rather nice, albeit completely exhausting. At least he's much easier to soothe and put to sleep at night!
You'll do great!! I dunno how you faffed around with expressing for so long! I have a stash in the freezer and i've stopped for now.

Well done you on expressing for do long and EBFing now :) it is exhausting but well worth it xx
well done you, i dunno how you managed to pump so much, 2oz is the mot i could ever get and with only 2 hrs between feeds im convinced these boobs are hiding milk lol
I've only managed to express for so long because my mum, MIL and OH have helped hugely; I was waking up every 2 hours at night to pump, in order to keep my supply up, it certainly wasn't easy.

I still express once, a few hours after baby's gone to bed, so I don't get too engorged by the time he wakes up and so I always have a bottle in case he needs a top-up.
Well done you! I'm trying to express some to put in the freezer but Joshua empties me every time. May try to express during the night like you did as he sleep quite well. Keep up the good work.xx
Having a hungry baby and not enough milk is my nightmare scenario, it happened in early days and it was horrific, never again! I'd much rather wake up at night or stay up a bit later.
I know. I have a few nights out planned this month but only got one batch of milk stored in freezer. And with him emptying me every time, I just don't seem to be able to produce enough to express at same time. :-( x
If he cooperates and sleeps long enough, you could wake up once a night, you'd build up a nice supply :hug: The only thing is, if you're out for too long, your boobs would probably go rock hard!
Well done ish! I wish i could go back, this expressing malarky is hard work full time, you are an inspiration to everyone who needs an alternative to bf x
I couldn't recommend expressing more, it's helped me through a very rough patch and now I've finally come full circle, au naturel once more!

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