bad 20 week scan


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2011
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I had my 20 week scan today and it did not go very well. The baby was lying in a difficult position and would not move despite me jumping around like an idiot, eating chocolate and drinnking my bodyweight in coke.
The sonographer says that the posterior ventricle is dialated and that there is the appearance of a hemivertebrae in the lower thoracic region. He has made me an appointment with a consultant on Monday. He said not to worry and not to look on the internet, so of course I am doing both. Sory if this is a bit longwinded. Has anyone experienced anything similar?
sorry didnt want to read and run, sorry your having a rubbish time hope you get some proper ansers xxx
Hi, I've not heard of those issues before. Really hope that all goes will at your consultants appointment. Hopefully they are things that are likely to sort themselves out as the baby grows. I realise its not the same, but My DH was born with a small hole in his heart, but they left it and he is completely fine fit and healthy now. Our bodies have an amazing ability to heal themselves.

FX crossed for you xx
I'm sorry your scan wasn't great. Try not to worry. And it's very very difficult not to look on the internet about stuff, but try not to let it panic you. I hope everything works out OK in the end. I'm afraid I haven't any experience of these things, but I have my fingers crossed for you and baby. xxx
Did the sonogrpaher tell you what the measurements where? Hopefully they dont fall too far from the normal range and therefore is low risk.
I hope you get some detailed explanations soon, in the mean time google really is a pregnant woman's worse enemy.... RESIST

Fingers crossed for prompt answers

Don't panic hunny. If it was really serious they'd want you see you sooner and investigate more right away.
Also because little un wasn't playing ball it might be that they can't get accurate results xx
hope every works out ok hun sure it will hun x
Sorry I won't be any help, those terms don't mean anything to me.

But he was a Wise man advising us to avoid the internet, as someone else said, they are not in a rush to see you so it suggests nothing major is happening. I know it will be impossible - but try not to worry! xx
Thanks everyone. The measurement was only 1mm out so hopefully it will only be a minimal risk.
I read somewhere that in the US the minimum thresholds are much higher than here in the UK, so hopefully your LO will be fine. FX crossed xxx
Sorry your scan didn't go to well, sure LO is fine though and that they are just being extra careful. Good that they are getting you seen so quickly too.

hiya, just read your post.
i just wanted to give you some hope, at my 20 week scan i was told the left side of my babys brain (the left ventricle) was 1mm too big( the water on the brain)than it should be, the same as you said. I was asked to leave the hospital and wait to be called with an appointment. I am only 18 years old and was absolutly distraught! i could not eat, sleep or function as i was told some horrible possibilities at the 20 week scan that could possibly be wrong with my baby.
Luckily my dad managed to get me an appointment at Kings College Hospital in London with the specialists in the fetal medicine department.
They gave me a very detailed scan and went over everything quite a few times and thank god MY BABY WAS FINE!! NO PROBLEMS WITH HER BRAIN AT ALL and that the hospital where i had my 20 week scan was a mistake and they must have been measuring wrong.
even though i was told everything was fine i was still worried all the way till she was born, she is now a 5 month old very healthy girl, so please try and not worry, your scan sounds pretty similar to the one i had and my daughter is absolutly fine!
Hope this helps xx

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