Bargain Nappies - tesco.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Just spotted a post in the discount/freebie section letting everyone know that Tesco size 2 nappies are now on offer for £1 - instead of £3.55

Having just ended up with 400(ooops) - of size 1pampers from asda last week - is it worth ordering size twos.

There seems to be a fair bit of over lap.

Size 1 = 2-5kg (4-11lbs)
Size 2 (Pic on tesco websit shows newborn) - is 3-6kg (6-13lbs)

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

lol - no running in your condition. Do you reckon its worth investing in a few of these - or is the 2lb difference not much??

We have got size 1 and 2 lol Rather have too many than not enough x

Im thinking im just gonna order a whole bunch. Just discovered that cos its first order online with tesco that can get great cashback on quidco. lol - feels weird considering there are 400 nappies already sitting in the boot of my car - but given that a quick goole suggested an average of 10 per day - thats not even 2 months. lol
Owen was 7 lb 12 when born and was out of size 1s quite quickly! He is now 12 weeks and now on size 3 . I usually buy pampers new baby ones but he fits into normal size 3 pampers. It's worth stocking up but not going overboard as Ul be surprised how quick they grow xx

I just ordered a whole pile of the size 2s - figured that at £1 a pack instead of £3.55 - i cant go wrong. If we dont use them MIL works for a charity that is always putting packages together for people through the social work dept - so im sure she'd know people who'd be grateful for them.

May have to stop there for a while though. lol - guess it depends if theres an offer for size threes on somewhere next week. lol
OOOOPS - just realise that in all my bouncing between websites and talking to DH, plus posting on here - i managed to totally miscalculate the number of nappies I was ordering.

I think I ordered 1300. oh dear!!

We only used the free packets or cheap ones with vouchers (size 1) as Isla outgrew them pretty quick. I had size 2 and 3 in stock and ensured I used them up before moving on. I just kept trying the next size and got an idea of how she coped (poo leaks etc) before making the move.

I'd have a few hundred size 1, alot more size 2 and tonnes of 3 as they grow quicker as newborn than older babies. Isla is still in a 4 and has been since June.

Emma x

Managed to lower my online order. - so its down to 400. lol - thats in size 2.


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