Been Staying In Hospital :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Hey Girlies.
Thought i would let you know the latest of whats happening with me.
As you know from my previous post i had pains in my left hand side which the doc said there was nothing to worry about. I was rushed up to the ward at derriford hospital Friday morning at 5am (which i had open access to thankfully).. the pain was unbearable, and i have had pink and brown spotting. (still happening).. I was in the ambulance on loads of morphine and gas and air, i thought i was going through a miscarriage, although because of the pain in my side myself my partner and the paramedic were worried about ectopic pregnancy...
I was rushed in to a bed there and on really strong pain killers, and had blood taken off me to check my HCG level and had myself rushed down for a scan.
Got told i had to stay in.
They couldn't see nothing on the scan other than my endo lining was thickened so yes i was pregnant.. but they aren't sure where the baby has implanted. Thats all i got told Friday night so i was drugged up for the pain, and just slept really with my dear Mark by my side worried about me.
This morning (sat) got told my HCG was 102, BUT not to worry because of my hormone levels and they don't go by one blood test.
So i am still pregnant at the moment, and i have to go back monday for my second HCG count to see if it's rising (hopefully it is)
And i have a second scan wednesday they think i am earlier than i thought and that would add with the HCG levels.
But i am home now... thank god. but i am getting pains still, and getting period pains yet again, i know it's horrible but i am expecting to loose it before i have the scan on wednesday, even though there is no blood at the moment.
I am a little depressed, but will know more next week, i will let you know as soon as i do. I PRAY IT ISN'T ectopic... hope i am ok :(
Please send me best wishes girls.
I so need a pick me up xxxxxx
love you all xxxxxxxxx

(EDIT) They think it's a UTI why i have the pain in my side. Sorry forgot to mention, my head is all over the place i am on antibotics, but they are not ruling out ectopic :(
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:hugs: really hope you and lo are ok, that sounds like one very scary experience! Good luck Wednesday x x
Oh hunny, praying everything's ok. I was worried about ectopic too before my scan because of pains in my side but it was just cysts. Really hope it's the uti, my friend has a bad uti and has all the pain in her side (you'd think it would be at the front but it's not). Big hugs hunny and get plenty of rest xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Awww good luck for your scan really hope it go's well I had cysts too with one of my pregnancies xxxx
Good luck sweetie for wednesday. Hope u are just resting at home, i know its hard not to worry, belive me i have been there and got the tshirt. Waiting for a scan is the worst thing to make a woman do. Thinking of u xxxxxxx
You poor thing! Praying that everything is ok for u and bean and sending u my best wishes xxxx
Thanks girls, yes i am resting up in bed today, although i am alot in pain and on loads of drugs. Still not bleeding, but i am hoping i am still pregnant. It's just a horrible waiting game. I will find out tomorrow if my bloods (HCG) are going up which i doubt they are.. The scan on wednesday will be pointless i think as they saw nothing Friday when i had a scan, but we shall wait and see, thanks for all your messages of support xxxxxxx
Massive :hugs:
really hope everything is ok with LO and it is something that can be treated with medication that wont affect your pregnancy!

I understand a little how you feel as i am waiting for a scan on Monday to see what my LO is doing in there!

Hoping Wednesday rushes around and you get some good news!

Will be thinking of you xxxxxx
That sounds horrible :hugs:

Hope everything is ok when you go for next scan. xxxx
So sorry you are going through this hun. Big hugs and lots of love your way. xxxx
I really hope the scan shows good news hun, thinking of you. :hugs: x x
You must be in bits. Am thinking of you and sending positive energy your way x
thinking of you, hope you get good news xxxx
Thinking of you & have everything crossed zxx
hey chick, hope you are ok. I'm from Plymouth as-well chick :) xxxx
Ive just seen this post - hope your doing ok now Rachael? Hope the scan went well

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