Best time to express


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Just like to get your viewson the best time to express. It would also be nice to know how much you can express at that time and ow long it takes. Thanks

As LO has started to sleep through, i find that early morning is best for me as both bbs are really full. i usually take 3oz off the side she's just fed off and that takes about 10mins. i can't be bothered to sit around for any more as my machine is noisy and i can't hear the tv :doh:
When I used to express, Ryan would be in bed by about 6 or 7 in the night and I knew he would wake for a feed about 1 or 2am, so I expressed at about 9pm - in between the feeds.
First thing in the morning (9amish) I used to express between 350ml and 500ml. That would take an hour or so with the Avent Isis electric but then I got the Ameda Lactaline dual pump which was the same price but way better and could do 350ml in 30 minutes.
I used to express at 10pm every night from Maia been 5 weeks old, I stopped just before Christmas when she was approaching 7 months old.

The reason I expressed was so that my hubby could feed her so I always expressed so she always had a bottle at 11:00pm when we went to bed. I found it easier to express at this time because I was expressing milk that would normally be taken from the breast anyway be it through me feeding her or through expressing and hubby feeding. Plus I didnt really find I had time to express after each feed due to either being out during the day sometimes or because after a feed I was generally playing with Maia or changing her nappy as she seemed to get into a habit of filling it while we were feeding.

I could get anything between 6-9oz depending on how much rest I'd had and also how much I had drunk. I found I had to keep up my liquid or else there wouldn't be a lot to express. On a good day I could get 11oz :shock: Generally though I would express 7oz. It used to take me an hour to get 7oz.
In the morning when boobs are more full, after a shower and I've massaged my boobs to get them flowing.

You express as much as you need/want/can get really. I used to express one boob totally, and get anything from 3-7 ozs, depending on time of day, how much if any LO had already fed from it and just my diet and fluid intake.

How much you are able to express is no indication on how much your baby gets from you. They are far better at getting milk from your boobs than a pump.

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