Bf and returning to work


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2010
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Has anyone continued exclusively (I.e. no formula) breastfeeding while working full time?
I am going back to work in feb for one month part time then full time after that when Owen will be 10 months. I really want to continue bf and don't want to give him any formula. He still needs plenty of milk as he is blw and although eats well still needs his milk. His nursery is near my work but I don't think it is a good idea to go in during the day to feed him is a good idea as I don't want to unsettle him.
How much milk am I likely to need to express for him in the day? Also if I express in the evenings so don't express in the day does that mean I won't have enough milk to feed him during the day at weekends?
I'm so confused, I've spoken to loads of friends and bf peer supporters but can't find anyone who hasn't given formula (which I'm adamant I won't do)
Please help x
Hi, I started to decrease my breastfeeding at around 8/9 months in prep for going back to work. I dropped the day time feed and offered cows milk as I had loads of trouble expressing. Then when I returned to work I carried on with morning and night until I realized that it wasn't fair to wake her up at 6 :(

So we dropped mornings and carried on with a 4/5 pm then bedtime feeds. I only stopped feeding her in December at nearly 14 months. Shes on cows milk all the times now. Its hard work but if you wind down the feeds over time you won't have any pain or problems (I've not had any mastitis or anything)

Good luck xx
I'm sure i read somewhere that work should provide a place where u can express and store milk, if u could do this then wouldnt your body just keep up the supply u need? Xx
I'm sure i read somewhere that work should provide a place where u can express and store milk, if u could do this then wouldnt your body just keep up the supply u need? Xx

Yes that's right, I forgot to mention this as I don't use the room available. X

Think you will need to express in the day to keep your supply up, even if you can find somewhere at lunch time to go and do it. I went back when my DD was 4 months (15 years ago now) so she was getting weened at that time and I just continued feeding her morning and night for a few months but I remember my supply tailed off quite quickly as I wasn't feeding her in the day. I going down the BLW route this time so be interesting to hear how you get on going back to work x
Thanks everyone. I don't want to reduce the amount of breast milk or supplement with other milk if possible but I just have no idea how much I will need to express. I will express at lunchtimes and have just given my 60 year old male boss written notification that I require somewhere to express milk. I now have to meet him to discuss this and do a health and safety assessment for it - fun!
I remember a girl managed it who I used to work with and she expressed 3 times during work time and stored it in the fridge there. I guess one way to do it is count the number of feeds your missing and express to see how much you can get, do you sometimes give expressed milk anyway? How much does he drink then?
I think ira reat youre so dedicated. The only thing I would say that I've seen happen to other people - expressing is not eer going to get the same amount as a baby, and a girl I know did express 4 times a day at work
But found eventually she had to
Give formula as her milk just decreased too much.

Go with the best intentions but don't be too hard on yourself if you have to give some formula. Although I'd feel exactly like you - never want to give any formula

Just bumping this as I'm keen to hear of anyone else who has continued bf while working. It seems it is rather rare - not sure if that makes me feel scared or proud
Just bumping this as I'm keen to hear of anyone else who has continued bf while working. It seems it is rather rare - not sure if that makes me feel scared or proud

I think you should be proud, its brilliant you want to continue! Hope someone gives you some advice x

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