Bi Cornuate uterus, anyone else got one?


May 6, 2006
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Hi, my name is Kate, I have had 4 children, all breech, but it wasn't until my ectopic pregnancy, in between baby 2 and 3 that the doctors diagnosed a bicornuate uterus. This is a womb that is heart shaped and has two' lobes '. The baby forms in one lobe, and it can cause a lot of problems! My first baby was born naturally, although breech. The second was breech also, but doctors put it down to coincidence!!! After major problems in natural labour and the placenta not coming away, I also suffered a bad post partum haemorrage, but still no one tried to find out why. After an ectopic they discovered the uterus shape and then it all made sense. The reason why the placenta does not come away is related to the shape of the womb. So for babys 3 and 4 I had c sections, but even then after baby 3, mour beautiful Lola because no one read my notes, I had retained products, and another haemorrage!! Baby 4, our precious Reilly,and I demanded an experienced consultant and had no probs.
I am now pregnant with baby number 5, but am 10 weeks and bleeding.
It is only since going on the internet and onto USA baby forums that I discover this is quite normal in bicornuate uterus's, as one side of the womb still thinks there is no prgnancy and bleeds. I am hoping this is what it is. I know it can lead to a miscarriage so am desperatly praying it will all be ok, but as usual the hospital cannot fit me in for a scan for a week to put my mind at rest!
The Americans are very up on this abnormality and it also told me why all my babys have been premature and breech. The shape of the womb cannot usually stretch to a full term labour, or allow baby to go head down. In the USA it is seen as quite a major problem, but over here, the doctors dont make a thing of it at all, and know very little about it.
It appears it may be why I had an ectopic, and also alot of people have informed me that to have only one kidney goes hand in hand with this type of uterus, so as I suffer recurrent cystitis, I am going to have this checked out too now! Why is it that in this country we dont have the doctors that have the knowledge that they do abroad, or perhaps it is just I am unlucky with my particular hospital!
Anyone else have a bicornuate uterus? It is such a help to talk to others that have suffered the same problems, and not think you are a medical freek! I also find I am a guinea pig for all the students who want to see what a bicornuate uterus looks like, so I am always inundated with people prodding and poking me!
Hope to hear back soon
Hi hun im so sorry your goping through such a rough time, ive never herd of this condition myself but i do understand where your comming from with the doctors in our contry not being up to date. Personally i think its because we are all on the NHS and it sucks!!! If i could afford to i would go private with everything as the NHS these days seem to be having a very bad reputation.

Hope you get some answers soon hun take it easy

jean x


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