Big Bed


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2006
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When did you start to put your little ones in a bed ?
Arianna has been in hers for about 2mths or so now. We have been really lucky, never had her roam the house or anything through the night.
We put our son in his big boys bed when he was about 19/20 months old.

He's a really good sleeper anyway but we expected him to be a bit unsettled as he made the transition but nope, he slept like log the first night he was in it and has done since.

He loves it.
thanks for the replys girls

We hope to put Maddison in a bed in October after weve come back off are holiday so she will be about 13 /14 months .

Do you think she will be too young ?

we are going to be putting thoughs bed guard thnigs on .
With the bed guards on she will be fine - I used a single bed as a cot when my DD was a year old when at in-laws and just had bed bumpers up, she went into on permantently at about 18months old - you'll know if she's ready and the fact that you are considering it means she is :D
just under 18 months only because my kids started climbing out of their cots
Aimee went into hers at 25 months. She just wasn't ready before that. Nathan is 16 months now and he is definatly NOT ready. No chance for at least another year :roll:

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