Bike Seats


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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Does anyone have one for their LO and if so which type?

I want the safest one known to man! :lol:

I've been looking at trailers, rear fitted bike seats and ones that fit onto the crossbar but I'm completely lost with it all :roll:

HELP!! :wall:
Ive been looking at these but thanks to Paiges stupidly small head Im going to have to rethink this lol.

Dont go for the seat across the cross bar, as these are the most dangerous ones, because if you fall off your whole weight could fall on the baby......not good. But I dont really know if theres an uber safe back seat. Just get one that you know is small enough for her, so that her legs can be kept in the seat (so she doesnt try and put her feet in your back wheel!)

Personally I was looking at trailers as you can get single trailers too. You can get ones that convert into a stroller as well, so you dont have to worry about whats going to happen when you get to your destination ect.

I guess the most important bit is finding a helmet that fits correctly. I went to halfords and they do a helmet from 46cm which is quite small. But online you can get them to go down to 44cm. Just go ask at halfords, I went in there and they were actually pretty helpful :)
Yeah - i'm liking the look of the trailers too. Quite expensive though... Evelyn has a teeny head too so it's gonna be fun finding a helmet lol!

There's a good bike shop round corner from me so think a trip down there is in order! Thanks for your help :) Xx

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