Birth story ( do not read if worried easily!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Hello all well I'm finally out of hossie and thought I'd update you all on my birth story that didn't go to plan at all really, so if your worried or scared easily please don't read! This is my first birth so it's def put things into perspective for me!
So on Sunday 10th I woke up at about 4am and found my underwear was quite wet and wasn't the norm so changed and put a pad on and kept an eye on it. Was getting quite thin watery goopy stuff -and had mild period aches so about 10 am I rang birth centre and went into get checked. She confirmed waters had broken and that labour was slowly starting. She said either it would start off properly that evening or to come back at 8am the next day. Well by 9pm that evening the contractions were close enough to make me want to go back so I called them and they asked me to go in. Upon exam I was 4 cms so they got me a room in the birth centre. I got checked at 2am Monday morning and I was 6cms and at 5 am I was 8 cms. At this point in was sooooo much in pain that I opted for pethedine which was lovely and really helped! But contractions seemed to slow down loads after that . I remained at 8 cms for ages and funny thing was my waters hadn't actually broken! It was the hind ones not the main waters! So they left me for a longer hoping they would pop ( I'm not sure of timings around this stage) so when they didn't they popped them themselves! Well boy did this start the contractions off big time!!baby was also back to back :( I was in soooooo much pain but still coping on gas and air. They then decided I'd been in labour too long and has to take me to the labour ward but I was in so Much pain! They wanted to put me in a wheel chair but i couldn't move!! I eventually managed to get in wheel chair screaming my head off! They got me to labour ward and I begged for an epi which I was allowed but all I remember was begging for the man to come and do it! I was delerious i swear by this stage! He finally came and did it and it was bliss!! It was about 4pm this stage. They then measured me and I was 9cms but the contractions had tailed off so they put me on a drip to get them going. They noticed here the drip was in my hand it had swollen so decided to try move to another location. Well, I ended up being a pin Cushion as they couldn't find one , tried about 8 times!
A team of docs visited and were concerned how long inwas in labour, and checked again and I was 10 cms but contractions had totally gone! I tried to push when they told me but nothing happened and basically the docs sad they were going to take me to theatre as they were concerned that baby was becoming destressed. I filled in the paperwork allowing ventouse, forceps and a c section in an emergency.
So we all rushed down to theatre and they upped my epiduaral. At this point I had no feeling from boobs downwards and even my hands went tingly. They kept telling me to push but this was very hard when u can't bloody feel anything! They tried ventouse Which didn't work. They almost got his head with forceps but was just too far ( they ripped my vagina wall though) so they opted for a c section . Up went the screen etc and I heard someone say baby was out. Born 19.16pm But he didn't cry. I started to panic asking why he want crying and then the crash team appeared with people running everywhere.Worst minutes of my life. I couldn't even move to see what was going on . Then i heard a little cry. Everyone then became a little calmer and I could hear them talking about him saying he was ok.

Well turns out he was distressed by all this labour and during labour had hit his head on my bones causing bleeding between skull and skin and needed to be monitored. Also they wanted check his ph and kidneys so he was wisked to neo natal and I was stitched up. He had forcep scratched on his little face too.

I can't believe I literally went through every type of labour that day! I did gas and air, pethedine, epidural, ventouse, forceps and c section!

Needless to say I'm exhausted and only been released today. Baby Owen is being monitored. He seems ok and getting better every day :)

So that's the quick version of the story!! Xx


Wow, you just wanted to try everything didn't you hun ;)
Congratulations, your little man is gorgeous x
Oh no, sounds like you really went through it :( but I'm sure your gorgeous little boy is more than worth it :) congratulations hun, hope you and lil one are both all ok real soon x
Wowzas! You really did go through it all! Congratulations though - he's adorable! Sorry you didn't get the birth you wanted but glad you're staying positive about it all! Congrats again! xx
Congratulations! He is gorgeous!
Bet it will take you a while to get over all of that! But he definately looks worth all the pain!
Congratulations he looks very cute xx
Congratulations to get through all of that!! xx
Wow hun, what an epic labour story! I'm so glad that you are ok and he is doing well, hopefully he'll be home in no time :) congratulations again x
Well done for getting through all that. He's gorgeous xx
Congrats hun and well done! Hope Owen continues to thrive :)

x x x x
Geez! Bloody well done hunni! What an eventful labour. Hope you're ok. Little man is such a dote, he's gorgeous. Glad that he's ok.

Make sure you take it easy and rest up. x
Well done Hun!! God you've been thru the mill :( beautiful baby to show for it though, congrats!! X
:hug: oh hun, you did so well to go through that! And Im really glad youre both home now and recovering. Remember to look after yourself as well as that LO.

Owen is such a gorgeous baby too, clever mummy :yay:
My goodness, you really went through it didn't you! A massive well done to you & congratulations, he's lovely! :) x
He's beautiful!! Congratulations, and so glad you're both ok! Can't believe you've been through so much! Hope you're being well looked after too! :hug: x x
Sounds like you had a tough time, but you done fab! You sound so calm in your story :hug: well done, glad your little man is here safe, congratulations x
:hug: oh hun, you did so well to go through that! And Im really glad youre both home now and recovering. Remember to look after yourself as well as that LO.

Owen is such a gorgeous baby too, clever mummy :yay:

I'm home but baby is scbu hopefully won't be long now!!

Thanks for all ur messages xxxxx

You did amazingly! He's so lovely! Hope you get him home soon xx

I'll never forget the feeling of the forceps for as long as I live, even with an epidural!

You did fab hun & Owen is gorgeous. Jack had forcep bruises and they were healed in 4 days so don't worry x

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