biting bf baby!!! help!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
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Apart from not feeding very well for the last 3 nights and waking twice for the last 3 nights and being a general pain when i am trying to get him back to sleep ds is driving me mad.

The last few nights when I have fed him he has a feed for about 2-3 mins then bites me. I say no and take him off then he goes to sleep.

What reasons do babies bite? I cant see any teeth. Is it usually a teething issue? Advice appreciated. x
oh btw if I say no and put him in his cot he laughs and does not seem bothered.
Maia goes through stages of doing this, luckily she has no teeth either.

Biting can be caused by a number of reasons, teething being one of them. I have come to recognise however that Maia does this because she is telling me she has come to the end of her feed. I can usually tell when she's going to do it too so I tend to be able to stop her before she clamps down hard.

There are a few ways you can deal with it too. Take baby off and dont let them back on for a few minutes or so (when I do this she just laughs at me). Alternately pull baby in close to you so your boob covers her nose and her natural reaction is to let go. I seem to have more success with this option and I also say NO to her but again she just laughs!

Siome info here on Kelly Mom

Good luck hope you find somethig that works for you.

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