Bleeding. Help


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
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I've just gone to the loo and wiped and there's blood. It's red not brown, there's not a lot of it but it's more than spotting. I'm soooo worried. We havnt had sex so it's not cos of that. Please help, what should I do? Do I go to a & e? I can't stop crying x
Are you cramping ? I'd go to a and e at least you'll get check out hun :hugs:
No cramps really, Hubby thinks I'm being dramatic and doesn't think I should go x
Could you ring your a and e or a doctor and see what they suggest ? As you say there's not a lot of blood but if your worried I would get checked out . xx
just see how it goes if you can cope with it

chances are it will stop n it probably was just a popped vessel from moving about whilst your asleep.

i no its soso hard but just wait n see, if it gets worse or comes with pain ring a+e or even if u just want a check over coz ur worried

good luck hun x x x
if u ring the midwife or doctor they will just tell you to hold out till monday then make an app, nothing saying even then they will give u early scan

were if you in your self know summats up or cant stop worrying just go straight A+E you have the fact its weekend on your side to as other places are shut,

thats what i would do anyway x
On my way to a & e. Will let u know. Thanks girls. Say a little prayer x
good luck Toni, hope everything is ok, apparently it can be normal to bleed a little bit when ur period would have been due x
All the best Toni - hopefully it is just bleeding cause of that UTI you said you've had? Thinking of you xx
Good luck Toni! As Rosa says, it can be normal to have bleeding when your period would be due.
Let us know how you get on.

Good Luck Toni!

I bled 3 times up to 7 weeks. I was told it can be normal but midwife did say if I had any bleeding to call the EPU. So you're probably doing the right thing. Hope all is ok

Good luck Toni. I've had 2 bleeds, one at 4 1/2 weeks and one at 6 weeks. Turns out I've got a blood clot just under baby which was causing my bleeds. Fingers crossed for you hun xxx
Hi Toni, just seen this. Is everything alright? Thinking of you xx
Well after 4 hours in a&e and lots of being prodded and poked, they've admitted me. I've got to be kept in overnight for observation. They did an internal to check my cervix and said it was closed which is a good thing but they were concerned as they found a White substance that they didn't know what it was. I have a scan booked for tomorrow morning. In the meantime I've got to spend all night on this horrible gynae ward and Michael has left cos visiting is only till four. I don't know how I'm suppose to get through tonight not knowing if our baby is ok or not. Let's just hope the bleeding is from the uti or just break through bleeding. Thank you girls for your support. Don't know what I'd do without my iPhone in here, although I really should stop googling stuff. Pleas please please stick little baby

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