bloating /

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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did any of u mums or mums to be have to wear maternity trousers early on due to bloating ? im a big girl , and of cause aint showing but im bloated like u wouldnt beleive and cant do my jeans up :oops: not even 5 weeks yet jjeeeezzzzzzzzzzzz

does the bloating settle down a bit ?
i bloat when im due my af anyway, so i didn't notice any difference to
what im normaly like... just that my bloating never went after the week.

might be worth investing in one of those button things that makes the waist band bigger on your jeans so you can stay in them longer. Can't remember the name of them at the mo. :think:

Congratulations by the way! :cheer: :hug:
yeah - i lost any waist i had along with my bfp - i didnt buy those elastic things i just used a hair bobble looped into the button hole and then around the button - no one could tell :wink:
I had terrible bloating when I was pregnant and I never noticed it going away, I just got a big bump instead. I spent the 1st 3 months of my pregnancys walking round with my trousers undone.
so it not likely to go way , great :rotfl: shall invest in some bobbles then lmao
found something better , newlook had a sale :rotfl: least if im having a bloated fat day i got something to wear :rotfl:
Yey sale!!! :dance: being pregnant is yet another good excuse for a new wardrobe :wink:

(i never thought of bobbles!! great tip! will remember that for next time :wink: )

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