

Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
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As alot of you have been here along time now i figured someone in here could probably help me.

I will try and keep it short: i av recently has a HSG and Hysteroscopy for mild ashermans, we thought i was not havin periods because of this. When doc done hysteroscopy he said there was only a small amount of adhesions and it would not of stopped my periods.

So my periods are still not coming ( i have had 1 in 6mths) and im guessing i dont ovulate,i figured i prob need to go and get my hormones checked. I am not in UK so i can walk in to the lab to request what bloods i want without a GP refferal.

My question is what blood test should i request ( im thinking LH,FSH and prolactin) not sure if theres anymore.
Also how do i know when to get them done without having periods. Are they meant to be done on certain cycle days.

Hope this makes sense
Thanks Cande
Hi Hon Welcome to PF. :)

You need to ask for LH and FSH level done on day 3 of your cycle plus Progesterone on day 21.
Not sure if you have had any scans done yet, but you could be cheeky and ask for a AMH blood test which shows egg reserve and can confirm whether there are any PCOS. This can be done at any time of the month.

Good luck

Love Gizzy xxx

Thank you Gizzy, i can ask for any tests i want as i av to pay for them anyway :eh:, so will request AMH too.

The only thing is how can i have them done on a paticular cycle day when im not having periods. Im guessing it would affect the results greatly by not havin them done on the correct day.

Hmmmm i wonder if there is a way around this....Any ideas xx
That is an interesting question Cande.

The test do need to be done on the right days otherwise the results are not helpful.

I dont know the answer but there must be loads of girls on here who have had 21 days bloods with this issue. Why don't you put this as a new thread and ask the girls on here who have all had to have 21 days bloods but with no periods??

The AMH is fine as you can have this done at any time of the month. You may as well get a Full Blood Count (hopefully they do this with your LH and FSH) and folate as well which is what they normally do with the 21 day bloods.

I see you have had a HSG and Hycosy done. Have you had a scan done on your ovaries??? It will check for Fibroids, Endo and PCOS??

Were your HSG results okay?? Ie your tubes okay??

Love Gizzy xxx
Yes Gizzy HSG ok apart from the adhesions they found but that has now been sorted through the hysteroscopy. Tubes all looked perfect and everything looked ok on hysteroscopy, well i assume it did the doc never really said. He just cut away the adhesion for me but guessing they a have a look about lol.

I havent has a scan done paticulary for my ovaries, but do get scanned everytime i see my doc, again dont really know if this is how they check ovaries etc..

Maybe i will post another thread.

Thank you for you help hun x
That is great to hear your tubes are okay! :)

I would ask for the scan. It should include a detailed pelvic scan to show you how many follicals in each ovary etc etc, the lining of the womb and to check for endo or fibroids. It will also tell you whether you have ovulated or not this month. It is done internally.

Good luck and keep us updated.

Gizzy xx
Great thank you.

Honestly get better answers on here than i do from my gyne :)
Tell me about it, I have learnt more on here than my GP and my local NHS hospital put together!
Keep us updated.
Gizz xx
LOL...crazy isnt it.... i reckon us PFers know more than the professionals.... i remember my gyne looking at me as if id gone mad when i told him i charted my temps, dont think he d heard of it before :roll:.
He is getting on a bit and he is Cypriot so maybe they are trained different i dont know.
I will keep u updated, prob wont get it done til nex month as i want to see what happens then, i have got the coil fitted at the min after having the ashermans cut away but its only for another 2.5mths so id like to get prepare my body before i get it out. If that makes any sense lol

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