breakfast ideas.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2006
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Okay, I'm running out of ideas as to what to give Lydia for breakfast.

I've tried baby cornflakes with apricot....she hates them
I've tried baby-type weetabix...she hates them

yoghurt she likes, and eggs, but I can't just give her eggs or yoghurt all the time surely.

Yesterday she had a boiled she had yoghurt with blueberry (baby packeted stuff)

She likes fruit aswell.

What do you give a kid that seems to dislike cereal for breakfast?
Toast? Does she like ready brek or porridge?
she doesnt like porridge no - I've tried that.

toast is an idea though thanks.
braydon has at the mo :
yougart and fruit
weetabix with milk and fruit
like egg toast he loves that
other things i cant think of rite now lol
Brody usually has Ready Break with fruit puree or mashed banana
Oscar has baby oats every morning with stewed prunes and banana.

French toast if she likes eggs. What about some fruit with granola and yoghurt?

Uhmmm... making me peckish now! :D

Emilia xx
I give Jack Baby porrigde with fruit Pear this morning and Apricot yesterday.

It won't do any harm if she just has mashed bannana or some other friut for brekkie
I usually give Ella normal weetabix with whole milk, she loves it!
i give coby weetabix or readybreak with stewed fruit in with it, then after a slice of toast or a potatoe cake, they are great coz they are nice and thin so they dont choak. Coby loves them

what's a potato cake?

thanks everyone for the ideas btw...keep em coming ;)
They sell potatoe cakes next to the crumpets in my local co-op

never thought of giving them! thanks
Xena said:
what's a potato cake?

Scots call it a Tattie Scone... usually flat and triangular. Uhmmm... great with bacon and eggs :D :D

Emilia xx
Brody also hasa hot-cross buns, which he loves :)
Xena could you make her mini pancakes with fruit? American style ones though (not our greasy floppy ones!!)
Jessica has ready brek or weetabix. She just wont eat anything else, except a bit of toast. She hates egg :roll: , strange child, I just dont understand that, egg is fab.
She hates egg , strange child, I just dont understand that, egg is fab.

I used to hate fried eggs with a passion, still not keen. It's the way the white goes all crispy and rough :puke: :puke: :puke:
I used to detsest egg yolk and if i had egg sandwich it had to be solid, then when PG with Jack i craved it!! though o couldn't have it and now i think its yum
you could also make a milkshake! i made it today for hassan - using him formula milk, petit filous yogurt pot, a couple of strawberries and banana - but make sure there are no lumpy fruit bits that can be a choking hazard!
How about Oat-so-simple? I do that for noah, cause you can get them with fruit already in, which makes it hasle free. I give him Raspberry flavor.

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