Breast feeding and alcohol


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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I havent drunk a single drop of alcohol since my bfp last may. I don't miss it and can live without it. But just wondering breast feeding mums whats you view on it, do you drink and how much? Is it ok to have the odd glass of wine while breast feeding?xx
I haven't and I've been craving a glass of red wine the last week but bar that I haven't missed it BUT in about 3 weeks OH and I are going out for dinner and leaving Tyler with my mum and bottles of expressed milk and I'm gonna have a small glass of wine!!

I am bf and have max of two glasses on a sat night and thats it.........didnt at first but do somewhere that the minutest % goes into your milk! x
I got told that you can have a glass a night, I have the occasional one and it has never done him any harm!
Kynon won't take a bottle so can't drink even if I want to! Think I've got used to it now, was a bit gutted at Christmas with one glass of wine though! It takes as long to get out of your milk as your blood stream so i think if you would drive you wouldn't bf either. I don't see the point in one drink really so haven't bothered. I also think there hasn't been any proper long term investigations into it. something else I read somewhere that made me feel guilty was that what if by having a few drinks in pregnancy and bf was the difference between your child getting an A and a B at school would you still do it? obviously there is no evidence of that but it kind of makes sense as we all know what alcohol can do to babies who's mothers drink a lot.

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I don't have any thing against mothers who bf and have the odd drink. But people keep telling me why I don't have a drink as one won't hurt. Guess my subconscious tells me not to. If I do find myself wanting a glass, then at least I know it won't do him any harmto have just a small one.x
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I don't have any thing against mothers who bf and have the odd drink. But people keep telling me why I don't have a drink as one won't hurt. Guess my subconscious tells me not to. I can be sure that at some point I will fancy a glass so at least I know it won't do any harm to have one. :) x

I had a couple of drinks while pregnant but I haven't had one since bfing. I just feel 10 times worse about it and guilty for even thinking about it. I have 4 bottles of champagne in my fridge!!!

I rarely drink at the best of times. I was told 1 glass of wine a night is ok. I'll probably have half a pear cider a week. What I wanted to know is whether to drink it straight after he feeds or before the feed so it isn't so much in his system?
i read one unit of alcohol takes like an hour to come out of your system. also if your ok to drive, your ok the breast feed.
yeah i'm also going on the 'if i'm ok to drive then i can feed' - I have a few glasses of wine a week, but only ever one a night unless i've got some expressed milk to hand.

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