Breast feeding problem


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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Jack has been breast fed and topped up with formula from an early age because I wasnt producing enough milk. This means he is also used to bottles.

I went to Ireland for a few days and Jack stayed with his gran for 2 nights, he was fed expressed breast milk and formula.

Since we got back he has breast fed ok during the night but during the day he is fighting the boob. He latches on for about 3-5 mins and then starts wriggling loads and crying, coming off the boob. He gets into a real stress and just wont latch on again.
I then try him with a bottle and he is fine!

He is very windy at the moment and I think he may have colic which I have been giving him gripe water and infacol for.

Any body else ever experienced this?

I am getting stressed while he is wriggling which doesnt help either.

Im worried that the alcohol I had in Ireland has affected him, although I left it 24 hours before I gave him my breast milk (expressed but threw away!)

I have rang the NCT Breast line but though I would post it on here too.....Im really concerned :cry:

I really don't know much about breastfeeding but could it be that it's easier to get milk from a bottle so he's got a bit lazy after a few days of bottle only? Just an idea...? Perhaps he didn't notice it so much when you mixed the two before?? I bottle feed and when the slow flow teats got too slow for his appetite he fussed and wiggled like mad until I changed to a medium flow teat so it could just be a similar thing?

You could phone La Leche League... as they give breastfeeding advice. Here is the website:-
And the 24 hour phone number
0845 120 2918

Hope that helps
Thanks Rosebay, its a good theory. I was thinking about teats today!!???

Thanks for the link, I will check it out!
Hi Lulu

Olivia had been doing this. We sometimes give her a bottle and a dummy so I was worried it was "nipple confusion" (this link might help with info on this ) but from some advice from Emilia
I think it was actually down to me having a fast let down where she cant cope with all the milk coming out and also her being a bit lazy with the suckling required!

Not sure I've been any help, things that seem (touch wood!) to have helped solve Olivia's fussing were to express a bit of milk from the side with fast let down before she feeds and when she does get frantic and cries I took her away from the boob and gently rocked her and calmed her then put her back and also I tried to feed her when she wasn't really really hungry. Intersting that you say he seems very windy at the moment, I think Olivia has also been struggling with wind as sometimes when she was fussing I put her over my shoulder to calm her and out came a burp and then she seemed calmer going back to the breast.

Out of interest Lulu, has your milk supply remained intact to be able to feed Jack alongside the formula?

Hi although i never went away or used a bottle
Kiara has been liek this for a few weeks and i went to the doc and it turns out she has thrush and it can cause a baby to keep unlatching and not eating proper as well can cause them to be cranky and gassy.
Check her mouth for any white spots if not ask your doc if you might just have it as you could but your baby might not.
Hope you figure it out.
Maybe he's getting a bit hot too while breastfeeding too. While feeding from a bottle they can see better and have a nose around what's going on.
I would stick with it and he should settle down again with a bit of luck. :)
I took her away from the boob and gently rocked her and calmed her then put her back and also I tried to feed her when she wasn't really really hungry. Intersting that you say he seems very windy at the moment, I think Olivia has also been struggling with wind as sometimes when she was fussing I put her over my shoulder to calm her and out came a burp and then she seemed calmer going back to the breast.

This is exactly what happens with Jack!

Out of interest Lulu, has your milk supply remained intact to be able to feed Jack alongside the formula?

Yes, but because I wasnt producing enough I had to make sure if I didnt breast feed at any time I expressed instead. I also try to express in between feeds to try and 'boost' my supply!

I would stick with it and he should settle down again with a bit of luck.

I changed his position today as he tended to move onto his back when feeding, I made sure he stayed on his side and so far so good!

Hi although i never went away or used a bottle
Kiara has been liek this for a few weeks and i went to the doc and it turns out she has thrush and it can cause a baby to keep unlatching and not eating proper as well can cause them to be cranky and gassy.
Check her mouth for any white spots if not ask your doc if you might just have it as you could but your baby might not.
Hope you figure it out.
Interesting theory and one I hadnt thought of! I do try and check his mouth regularly as I had thrush at the end of my pregnancy but I havent recently, I will check tomorrow, thanks! (He is fast asleep at moment :D )

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