Breastfeeding a big baby


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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I'm getting a bit fed up of people telling me I won't be able to exclusively breastfeed my big baby and she's not getting enough and that's why she's crying etc. I keep getting told I should give formula.

Now, surely if I feed on demand there will be enough milk there? I expect days where she will feed often to increase my supply for growth spurts etc but it hadn't crossed my mind that there wouldn't be enough?
Ish is the woman to see about this Vince is a big baby and ish is teeny and she manages. Xxxx
You'll definitely manage, Vince is a heavy little beast, just make sure you eat enough :hug:

It's quite fun, all I do is eat and instead of going to my thighs, as usual, it goes straight to his!

(the tendinitis is another business altogether, but nothing I can't handle - quite literally!)
Omg I love Vince he is the cutest baby ever! X
If you didn't have enough milk, Tilly wouldn't be big.... Some people need to be smacked! You are doing great!
Awwww, you are just lovely!!! :love: Thank you, it's what I needed to hear after he woke me up 3 times last night, he is ever so slightly fallen in disgrace today :D
So you have no problem then hun?

How big is vince?

Matilda does cry and fuss at the booby a lot but the HV told me that was the reflux. She's not dropped off any line she is following and everyone seems happy with her growth etc despite the reflux
So you have no problem then hun?

How big is vince?

Matilda does cry and fuss at the booby a lot but the HV told me that was the reflux. She's not dropped off any line she is following and everyone seems happy with her growth etc despite the reflux
Last time we weighed him he was 17 lb 10 oz :hug:
Tell them to piss off hun you are doing a fantastic job and Tilly is thriving despite the reflux xxxxxxxx
Trust your body, it is made to breastfeed!

All these negative comments have been fed to people from the formula industry to sell products.

You are doing AMAZINGLY be proud of your self and your little chunka!

Like all the other women have said - it's absolute poppycock! Of course you can ebf her - as mrs km said she wouldn't be big if you weren't providing enough nutrition. Ariel was 15lbs at 8 weeks and just weighed in at 17 and 1/2 lbs at 12 weeks - and he's ebf! You're doing great hon and just ignore all the idiots!
Your body adapts to provide all the milk that tilly needs, she's a great weight. I've had these comments to and harrys only small, people seem to think formula is the answer to all problems, babies cry that's it!

Just ignore them! X
What a load of rubbish! Trust your body. Kynon is a right chunk, everyone mentions it and Im not that big either i just eat loads, like ish says it don't go on your thighs as normal so make the most of it!
Thank you lovely ladies.

Think I'm just having a wobble again. I had an old colleague come to visit this morning and she was telling me if the baby cries all the time I should top her up with hungry baby milk :(
Thank you lovely ladies.

Think I'm just having a wobble again. I had an old colleague come to visit this morning and she was telling me if the baby cries all the time I should top her up with hungry baby milk :(

Then I hope she doesn't have kids! If that's her only answer to a baby obviously in distress then that's ridiculous. Tilly cries because of her reflux, going on what this woman says would she just force feed her LO and not try to find out why????? :poke:
if you werent making enough milk she would lose weight, her fussing is not cos of lack of food. if anything you produce full fat cream judging by her weight gain lol. Alyssa seems to be trying to be ebf now after pratting around for weeks, falling asleep, refusing to suckle properly etc now shes refusing bottles lol. pain in the ass but im bf'ing as often as she wants and getting her to take a few oz if shes still hungry and she tells me that shes getting enough by refusing to take more than 4oz usually 3 and a lot of feeds now are ebf. my milk supply has increased, i was leaking in college today where i wasnt last week! it just shows that your body always adjusts to the extra demand. your doing so well hun dont let anyone make you doubt yourself.
Don't listen, all babies have periods of fussing and crying whatever milk they are on, formula can often make things worse as it's made from cows milk remember which is made up totally differently from human milk. As your baby grow and needs more milk your body will adapt in a few days, if you top up it will not adapt. Have you tried taking fenugreek? It worked wonders for increasing my milk supply when I felt I didnt have enough. Try and surround yourself with pro breast feeders, go to a local group to meet other mums who bf, this is a massive help and confidence boost. A great website I go on is kellymom it's like the breast feeders bible and has so much information and advice, here's a couple of articles that may be of interest
there's loads of articles about myths surrounding babies not 'getting enough' and lots of helpful advice for just about every breast feeding problem you can think of!
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