Breastfeeding and periods


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
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I was lead to believe that when breastfeeding you dont get monthly periods. However, yesterday i seem to have started my period. I'm a bit worried and just wanted to know has anyone else had periods whilst breastfeeding? Thanks

My sister breastfed both of her daughters and both times had a period after about 6 weeks.

Some people are just unlucky but it's normal
Yep mine arrived after 6 weeks - and to boot I had another 2 weeks after that!

I'm breastfeeding too - it's not fair is it! :roll:

I want mine to return so that I can get into a proper regular pattern in time to TTC later this year. No signs of AF turning up anytime soon.

As others have said bf can keep your periods from returning but everyone is different- for some women their bodies can multi-task, for others like me- it's one thing at once!
flowergirl said:

I want mine to return so that I can get into a proper regular pattern in time to TTC later this year. No signs of AF turning up anytime soon.

As others have said bf can keep your periods from returning but everyone is different- for some women their bodies can multi-task, for others like me- it's one thing at once!

Same here, im on month 6 without anything and I actually want it to happen! :wall:
Yeah it can happen. Nothing wrong that it has.

I've had regular periods since LO was 3 weeks old :roll: I'd so been looking forward to a break for a while longer but noooooo :wall:

At least I know we can start TTC while I am still BF'ing.
Ah, I had what I thought was a period at 6 weeks. But nothing since. So they may not be back totally.
after having oliver i got pregnant before i got a period, so i guess if i hadn't have got pregnant than i would have had a period when he was about3 months old.

with amelia i had the injection about 2 months ago, maybe a bit less, and haven't had a period. i hate them, so im glad!!
My period just started! This illusion that you don't get periods while breastfeeding completely bypassed me :wall:
i did not get periods when i was BFing, but apparently it means you're fertile as soon as u get period so the LAM method will not work for y'all, be warned! :)

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