breats feeding advice


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2006
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Hi gels

Have a q here

I have been feeding my baby on formula for 7 weeks and BF probably about once a day if I am honest.

I love bF feeding her but worried that I couldnt give her what she needs or wouldnt make her as full as formula.

Now what I want to know is can I build my supply back up so I can do it exclusively or is it too late?

If I was to express I can get 7oz's off from two boobs so must have a supply I guess? I have frozen what i have pumped off.

My baby is good on either breast or bottle but must say she loves to BF so much and looks so content

I should have maybe let my milk dry up but something stops me I cannot bring myself to do it,why is this?

I need some advice I am so confused
yes you can build your supply back up.
drop the formula feeds
eAt more, drink plenty rest and feed baby lots!

once you have dropped her formula feeds she will demand breast loads! try and remain relaxed and feed as often as she wants.
its gonna take time to up your milk supply. maybe two or three days.
I was thinking as she has 6ozs 6am-9am-12pm-3pm-6pm-9pm then through til 6am of expressing in between what do you think
Expressing off 7oz is fantastic. That is what I am expressing off when I am not with Ellie and I have been breast feeding for over 9months. Sounds like your supply is really good. I would recommend feeding with the breast at every feed and then when she finishes offering some formula to make sure that she has drunk enough.
I had feeling that my supply is good but I really want to feed her myself cant explain why I just love doing it,and feel bad giving formula i feel like I am poisoning her i know I am being silly but do you know what I mean?

Thanks for the replies
carpwoman said:
I was thinking as she has 6ozs 6am-9am-12pm-3pm-6pm-9pm then through til 6am of expressing in between what do you think

im not sure what to advise you as i really have no experience in this to be honest.
i wouls perhaps not express anything till you have upped your milk supply and gotten into some sort of routine with breastfeeding. then go from there.
good luck

let me know how you get on. Try and plan it too. make sure you can spend tiem feeding baby as and when she wants it. Ty and have snacky type food near you and a glass of water for each feed. :hug:
The only advise I have is keep putting your LO to the breast :hug:

Its fantastic that you have now decided to go for it, hun its the best for your baby :dance:

Awww goodluck :hug:
This is why I didnt let it dry up or take liver salts liek my HV suggested coz i knew deep down i couldnt let it go away-soppy cow me

will try now thanks
Only just seen this. Well done for giving it another go, I don't blame you for not wanting to give it up :D
Like the others have said, just keep offering baby the breast, and drink lots of water, and your supply will increase. Good luck!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
well i fed her solely on my boob through the night well from 5am (thats through night to me lol) and she had boob til 6am she had both so half hour on each,then when we got up at 7am I gave her a bottle of formula only 4oz's though and now she is wiped out,next feed is 9am and I will do this as a BF,what i may do is bottle feed a couple of oz's between BF rather than BF between bottles if that makes sense.

Am determined to do this as she is so good with it and laying down feeding is so much easier! I put pillow and lay on my side with her tummy to mine and she looks so comfy it is lovely.

We shall see how I get on,will drink loads and buy some of that fenugreek stuff as well to get it up also.
Thanks for your support girls

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