Breech baby = quiet days - anyone noticed this ??


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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At one of my MW appointments now and my consultant appointment, bubba has been breech but at all other checks he's head down.

When ive been told he's lying breech it seems to coincide with a quiet day (i.e. not much movement felt throughout the day) and when breech i am more out of breath and uncomfy

So today for instance is a very quiet day on the bubba front, i can feel him but nowhere near as strongly as usual - my belly on the other hand is rock solid and i can feel his head under my left boob

Now its clear to me that the movements are less when he's breech, but why would this be ??
Could it be that he is usually back to back but when breech he's the opposite ?

Any idea's or similar experiences girls ??
I'm not sure Naterjack, my daughter was breech up until she was delivered and she was pretty active throughout my pregnancy, her head use to pop up at the side of my stomach.

With this pregnancy I have really quiet days where I feel relatively little movement, but most days they are active. Now I'm wondering on the quiet days if they may be breech, facing my back?????
my baby is head down and has been since 35 weeks but I still get days when it's a lot quieter than others so don't know if when it's breech it would make a difference :think: :think:
as like bexie ... my bubba sticks her head out on the left side of my stomach. (she is breech)

shes a wriggler.. constanly kicking and moveing around. i just dont know how they find the room :cheer:

do you get kicks downwards towards your bum :oops: and lady bits????

:hug: xx
Yes, i get kicks on my bladder and what i call "muff kicks" when he's breech, otherwise his kicks are always high up

I have a consultant appt at 36 weeks to see if he's breech and then they will make a decision re: C-section, but i am sure that most of the time he's head down - wish I could make him stay like that when i have my appt
:wave: i had my consultants app @37 weeks... as m/w thought baby was breech.

they scanned me.. she sure is breech as m/w said.
they booked me in for a c-section for 24th oct...ill be 39 weeks. they will re-scan me on my arrival before the op just to make sure she is still breech.

they did offer to try and turn bubs but i declined.

goodluck... hope baby stays head down for you. :hug:

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