Brian's birth story! finally :-)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Sorry this is so late but my phone broke the day before i went in!

So, went for sweep in day unit on Thursday 10th of May, but nothing happened and i was booked for induction for Saturday night. Went in and put on the monitor, all was great, but when I was examined he was still really high and i felt very comfy so mw advised oh it would prob be nothing till morning, come back at 10am for visiting hours. Kissed oh goodnight and he left.
Mw put gel in and back on monitor for another half hour. Almost straight away feel sooo uncomfy and really just wanted to stand up but couldn't cos of monitor.
After 50 mins I was finally taken off. There was a shift change and i had no call button so had to just wait that long! Anyway, thought I would try to sleep but would only get 10 mins every hour for about 2 hours. Found I had to just walk about, mainly in circles by my bed haha! Pain got worse and by midnight I gave in and asked for painkillers and had cocodamol, which worked for a little, but still needing to go to the toilet every 20mins. Got to about 3.20am and i had been have stronger pains which I realised later were probably my first contractions. I padded out to the desk to beg for more drugs but was told I couldn't have more yet and she would check me in a bit so padded back to bed but as I got there was sick in the bowl, but filled it in seconds and covered my bed completely! tried to dash to toilet but was sick all up bathroom wall! So mw said ok ill check you now, and i was 4cm!! Was a bit sleepy and in shock but went to call oh so they could meet me on labour ward, but I couldn't get through to anyone! Eventually got hold off mil, but she and oh had both had a few drinks as they assumed and were told i would take ages. By the time I waddled to labour ward I felt awful and contractions feeling strong so already on pethedin when oh and mil got there .
Because of pethedin and gas and air I was pretty high and don't remember everything, was in shock and tired also but remember contractions being so close together throughout and i was sick a few more times. They were painful and strong continuous contractions. Was told later the the mw kept leaving the room which was annoying as I had a monitor on constantly but wanted to walk around and go toilet etc. Apparently I was also talking garbage and kept apologising to mil that she must be bored LOL and also that oh had said 'see its not as bad as being kicked in the nuts ' and I called him the c word!! How embarrassing LOL :)
Anyway all of a sudden started to feel that wierd pushing that I was told you get, I didn't know what time it was but told later it was 7.15 ish, and i said I need to push but stupid lil mw said no ill check her at half past and left the room!! Mil got annoyed and demanded she checked me now and I was 10cm! I knew I needed to push wand mil could tell also so annoyed at mw. Anyway ditches the gas and air and started to push without drugs as pethedin had now worn off too. Was amazed how with pushing contractions there is more gap inbetween. At half 7 mw announced her shift had finished, and inbetween pushes they did a hand over whilst standing over me! New mw was lovely though and i continued to push, and Brian Roderick John came into the world at 7.44am on the 13th of May, complete either waters!!
Oh cut the cord and then had cuddles as i had 3 lil stitches as i had 3 small first degee scratches.
So proud that i gave birth to an 8lbs10oz baby on g&a and pethedin only, had only three lil scratches all in 4 hours!!!
I work out how to get the newborn pics and post asap
I love my baby boy so much and am enjoying being a mammy so much he is a great baby who has slept through the night from day one!! X x x
:love: nawww well done you!!! cant wait to see lil baba
Great story Kayelle, congratulations again xx
Well done and congratulations x

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Congratulations hun, well done it 4 hours that's fab!!!
well done hun. great to get to read your story. pity the mw was a bit annoying. enjoy being a mammy xx
Congrats on your lil ones Maria and loula :)

Thanks hunnie :)
TThis is today will post newborn pics when i get em
awww hes gorgeous!! :love:

Congratulations hun, so glad things went well! Youre a star! x
Oh my goodness, he's so cute. Congratulations, hun. Well done xxx

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