Brown Discharge ~ Am really concerned - UPDATED


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2008
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UPDATE: Called hospital again and spoke to someone else who told me to go straight in. Spent last night in hospital having various tests as they suspected my waters are broken. They havent, they are not sure what is happening but i have protein in my urine and they are testing for any infections. Am home now and resting, but baby is healthy and am just relieved that she is ok. Thanks for your responses.

Hi I posted yesterday to say I had had watery discharge and some brown/pink also - all in one go. Well, it happened again today, again only the once and all in one go. Baby has been moving less than normal all day - and have been worried.
So, I called the midwife - my midwife was unavailable so spoke to someone else - who said to eat something and see if baby moves after this. She didnt seem all that worried about the discharge at all.
Raced home and ate, and baby has moved more, and used doppler and have stady heart beat at about 154 a minute so know LO ok, but am still really worried as to what discharge could be. I have been looking online everywhere and it says that brown/pink discharge can mean early labour or probs. Why wasnt the midwife concerned? Has anyone else had this?
Could there be another reason for the discharge - recent sex or something? You should ring again if you are worried, sorry I cant be more help :hug: :hug:
Sorry for poking my head in here....

I don't know hun but if you're still worried you should call the midwives again or even the hospital if you want to speak to someone tonight x
If you are worried then just give your maternity unit a call, get a second opinion. At least that way it will put your mind at rest & save you from worrying about it. Thats what I would do, I went to the hospital a few times to get checked out when I was pregnant, it always turned out to be nothing but at least it put my mind at rest.
emman24 said:
If you are worried then just give your maternity unit a call, get a second opinion. At least that way it will put your mind at rest & save you from worrying about it. Thats what I would do, I went to the hospital a few times to get checked out when I was pregnant, it always turned out to be nothing but at least it put my mind at rest.

I agree, id definately get a second opinion Debs, save you worrying, you need to get an answer regarding the discharge just to put your mind at rest if nothing else.

Have you been doing any strenuous activity or anything? I know sometimes doing a little too much can increase discharge. :hug: Let us know how you get on :hug:

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