Bum problems - TMI (sorry!)


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Right so thats 3 weeks since I had bubs! And I feel ok down there but my bum feels strange. The only way I can explain it is the feeling when you were about to push the placenta out... Soooo.... I had a feel because I swear I thought I had a poop hanging out. It felt like a lump but quite large and squidgy. So I presumed it to be the beginning of piles. But then I just went and checked again and it had gone!! So went for a pee then checked again and it was back :|
Now I paranoid incase its like a muscle falling out my ass...?! Lol! Oh and its not painful, just strange and sometimes uncomfortable....
Anyone shed any light?

Hahaha, welcome to the wonderful world of piles hun, they are strange little things, come and go feel wierd not painful, anusol cream helps, but they should also get better with time, hope this helps :)
So it is piles! I thought the lumps stayed there all the time lol! Chemist for me tomorrow then! Lol. Thanks H! Xxx

You might have internal ones?

I'm still not right 5 weeks on :( I get this funny pressure/something's falling out of me feeling from my lala when I stand up sometimes. Most unpleasant, and my gooch is still sore
Oh my... I thought I was on the road to recovery! Was even thinking about DTD with hubby before he went back to Norway today but I'm glad I never lol. Yeah I get like a 'pushing' feeling sometimes. And it looks horrid down there :| ewww. Haha. Xxx

I have a HUGE pile from pushing E out. Don't think cream is going to sort it... Am steeling myelf for an embarrassing trip to the doctor. Oh the joys of motherhood!! As if the lack of sleep wasn't bad enough!!
Ah bungee jumping piles are always a delight :roll: It will hopefully just disappear of it's own accord hun. I've had mine, Dave, for ages, I think I'd miss him if he suddenly went lol
I had this feeling for the first few weeks after giving birth. Like a massive pressure on my foof and bum. I asked the midwife and she said to do pelvic floor exercises which helped a lot. Also experienced the joys of piles although they seem to have improved a lot since i had Jack. Lots of warm baths definitely help soothe them i find :) xx

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