Buying things?


Apr 1, 2012
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Just wondering when you started buying things for your baby, I'm 14 wks and am desperate to buy things! But don't want to jinx anything :/ is it still too soon??
I bought nothing until after 20 week scan although a few people had bought me bits (my sis and SIL)

Even now I've not bought much to be honest.

I have only bought 3 items of clothing and that's all. But a lot of people start buying early so they are well prepared. its up to you :) x
I think it depends on what you feel comfortable with. I had almost everything brought by the time I was 20 weeks with my first but I know other people are a bit supersticious and prefer to wait. Personally I couldn't wait to go baby shopping but it is entirley up you and how you feel. If the time is not right dont worry, you have plenty of time :)
I look at baby things, but for some reason dont feel right about buying anything yet. Im 14 weeks too x
I got a few things before my 20 week scan, at around 16 weeks..
I also ordered my pram at 16 weeks, because it was on offer and didn't wanna miss out on a bargain! But it's on the mothercare plan and gets delivered at the beginning of August..
When I had my 20 week scan, I went on a huge shopping spree and had almost everything I needed by 23 weeks!
Im 13+2 and just put deposit on nursery furniture as it was on sale... :) also have a few babygros that say i love mummy/daddy! :) prob mainly wait till after 20 week scan mainly due to we are finding out what we are having as long as bub allows us!! :) but money allowant i would be out buying everything asap...its an exciting time!! :) xxx
I've bought a few baby grows and the pram was in offer so we ordered that. I think what will be will be and I'm thinking positively no jinxes and all that ;) plus its fun buying little bits. I was so excited to get some little mittens yesterday, only £3 but it made my day lol xx
I didnt buy anything until after my 20 week scan but do what you feel comfortable with xxx
I've bought a few baby grows and the pram was in offer so we ordered that. I think what will be will be and I'm thinking positively no jinxes and all that ;) plus its fun buying little bits. I was so excited to get some little mittens yesterday, only £3 but it made my day lol xx

Completely agree doob!! What will be will be...enjoy your pregnancy and dont be afraid to get excited!! :) xxx
I don't think any amount of superstition is going to decide on if you have a healthy pregnancy. as far as i'm concerned It's as risky buying now as after my 20 week scan. I've set up a payment plan for my pram with mothercare already and am buying things as I see them. I don't have the money to buy everything all at once so I'm just buying as I see xxx
Totally agree Sophs. Since I've started to see how much things cost I need to space out the 'bits' or they'll soon add up x
We are spacing out buying our baby things. It spreads the cost so you don't need to go out and buy loads all in one go. We have mainly more clothes than anything else, saying that there isn't much for team yellow!! x
We bought a small item every couple of weeks between 11 weeks and the scan at 21. Just things like a little rattle for a pram, a book etc then really started buying major bits since the scan to keep organised and spread the cost x
When i was 20 weeks bort 2 cute bbygrows a set of plain shite a set of vests sum mitts and a teddy :) but as find out gender wed i thought id better stop lolol
Lololol type error ment white not shite lol
I'm just browsing at the moment, i so want to start buying, but with a house move due in the next 4 weeks - i'm just going to have to be patient!! lol x
I just came back from Mothercare and really wanted to buy these little panda outfits but going to wait a bit longer. I think in the next couple of weeks I'll start buying wipes/nappies as I've got twins so need to stock up! Clothing I'll get later down the line after 20wks as I have no idea what size they'll be so might need to return things, I'm going to be induced early so they could be small - well I know one is already smaller than the other. Lol
I started buying bits I didnt want pink/blue early on. By 20 weeks I had all of the big things bought :) x
21 weeks have stupid amount of clothes
Steamer bottles bibs chair bouncer and pram :) lol x

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