C Section


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
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Had an appointment with my mid-wife this week and she thinks I will have to opt for a C section, as the baby is breech... I have an ultrasound next week to check on where the placenta is (it has been low the whole pregnancy) and then 2 weeks after an appointment with my obstetrician to find out if i will be scheduled for a C section.

On one hand I am ok with the C section, as it eliminates vaginal stretching, hemorhoids and possible tearing of the perineum. But on the other hand I am scared of the incision into my belly and through my uterus... not to mention the time spent healing.

Has anyone had a C section in a previous pregnancy? Is it really that bad? How long does it take to heal from? So many questions...
I had an emergency section in 2006 following 20 hours of labour. It was a little more traumatic for me as I was so knackered from the whole labour thing but the actual section was straight forward. They placed a spinal in my back which was uncomfortable but okay then set me on the table and covered me over, they started the section and DS was born about 10 minutes later. The longest part was being stitched up as it seemed to take forever but they told me all the way through what they were doing (even down to the rectal pessary for pain relief...thanks!).
I was moved to recovery to meet my little one (he needed some help) and started to breastfeed with help from the midwife.
I was transferred to a sideroom on the ward and remember having hallucinations from the morphine during the night but the pain relief was fantastic and the nurses checked on us every couple of hours or so. Next morning was the hardest part as I had to get up and remember being very wobbly and feeling as though as I had been hit by a bus, everything ached and I couldnt stand up straight...the aching was from the labour though. I managed to stand and blood trickled down my leg from the normal vaginal bleeding that happens after delivery.
I walked to the bathroom and DH helped me to have a soak to clean up then I was taken to the normal ward and settled in. Getting in and out of bed was hard and painful at first but the more your mobile the easier it gets although I spent the second night dozing in the chair next to the bed, it was easier than getting in and out of bed to see to little one, and was severly told off cos my legs and feet swelled like balloons, cos it was an emergency section I didnt have support stockings on to reduce swelling!
Was out by day 5 cos I had problems breastfeeding but would have been sooner otherwise.
Word of advice......take the painkillers they offer, take them on a regular basis and nag them if they are late with the drugs round cos you need them to be more mobile!!!!!!!!
On day 6 I walked with the pram to the chemist and back down the road, although a little slower than usual I did it. Keep mobile as much as possible and you will be back to normal in no time. I took the full 6 weeks before I started driving cos I wanted to walk as much as possible and will do the same this time.
I am having an elective this time and although I am really nervous I know what to expect and that it will be a calmer experience and hope to be out within a couple of days with lots of support at home.
Good luck and hope I havent sent you to sleep!!!
i had an emergency c sec with my first it was ok when it was done i didnt recover quiet as well and ended up back in hosp a week after i was released for over doing it im having a elective this time and cant say im looking forward to the recovery but it is only a few weeks of being uncomfortable
if you can manage a natural birth id def go for one but c sec are nothing to fear just uncomfortable and make sure you get pleanty of help
Hey my babs is breech too, go next week to find out if its moved. Iy has been doing big movements but still feels in the same position if that makes sense? I too am worried about having a C sec. I had my gall bladder removed summer 09 and it was supposed to be 'key hole' suguery. Have 4 scars and it took a good few weeks to recover. Was painful getting up and down in and out of bed, had to lay sat up to sleep etc etc. So im thinking OMG its gona be worse than that and my tummy will look like a jigsaw puzzle. Worse still they say i will have to be put to sleep, as i have low blood platlets and cant have an epidural! So all in all really hoping for a natural birth even with strething, tearing and loads of pain. If im honest neither option is pleasent but hey, its worth it! x
Hey guys! My baby is breach too, have a mw appt on Tues, followed by hospital scan on Thurs if it's not moved. I'm also really scared of a C-Section and have been reading up about ECV but there is mixed reviews about this on the web. I hope your babies turn for you ladies, keep us posted and hopefully we will all have happy births and fast recoveries! x
I've had 1 section and 1 vaginal birth - section was straight forward no extra bleeding took the mess after ect.. The vaginal birth I had 2-3 degree tears and he poohed inside me but I would pick a vaginal birth any day over a section - if you can have a vaginal birth it's really worth it if not a section isn't too bad either so I wouldn't worry as long as you know you an baby are both safe xxx

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i am probably going to have a planned section just due to the all the problems with the baby not growing and I am crapping my panys!!!! my daughther was born in and hour and 18 mins no pain relief, no stitches and i wanted to do labour again this time as I kinda enjoyed it last time, so I am hoping that this little one decides to start growing in there and I get to full term and deliver naturally xx
Breech doesnt always mean you have to have a c-sec. depends on the exact positioning of the baby, but vaginal breech is possible! Mine was presenting breech at last appointment aswell, and midwife wasnt bothered.
I have only had sections due to prev ops meaning they won't let me try normal (lwhich I would love to try, even tho I bet I would be a pain woosey!).

don't be afraid of them, they do the job right enougth, as someone else said - take the drugs if you want them , they help esp in the night, and see how you go. You will find once you suss out the bext way to sit , stand , move etc by feeling the pain, you will fin it easy as you know how best to move. After a week you feel good and I was back playing ice hockey at 3 weeks after each (gently of course, as I was well unfit!)

Here are some pictures of my last section the moment my daughter came out - Imight make you feel a bit better (photos taken by one of the theatre people wth our camera!:dance:)


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Wow, thank you JJ Mum for sharing your pics with us! I know that if it's in the best interests of the baby I will do it, I just don't like the thought of feeling in pain/delicate for a week or even longer!! :oooo:
Thank you for the advice ladies! I will feel better and more relaxed about the whole situation, if I do have to deliver by C section!
Thanks for the pics and everyones advice. Really hope all our babies turn soon and we can deliver naturally. Like I said before I think its just the pain of the previous op that is really putting me off, but hey this is for a baby . . . my baby!
Natasha I have also heard reviews about ECV and im really not sure about it. They whole process seems a bit . . . I just dont want to do it to baby really. If they have to be strapped up to a heart monitor it cant be good.
Sera-tonin - sorry for hijacking your thread, but also really worried about it. Has anyone had to be put to sleep to have a C sec? Really worried about missing out on everything and the skin to skin contact! Thanks xx
hey!! im recovering from a section that i had last week! it was an emergency one. had a spinl which wasn't as bad as i thought at all an just a little uncomfortable for a very brief second. and the effects were really quick it felt wonderful haha!! it felt rather strange having them pulling them ut but i didnt feel any of it at all, just the little pressure etc.... it was onderful having phil with me of course and tehy made him feel really really welcome. They talked me thgough the whole procedure as they were doing it and tbh, they REALLY looked after me!

I had a catheter fitted which wasnt uncomfortable, you just have to be aware not to knock it out. honestly the day after wasnt fun at all, it hurt but i could get up out of bed and hold my baby and everything was ok, i just needed extra help... however by the next day i could walk around myself albeit not very far etc however i could do it. I havet o say it wasnt; painful just more so uncomfortable... by the third day i was completly free of drip and cathetar, could walk around a lot and again more just discomfor thanpain. Im now on day 6. ha staples out and it didnt hurt, im walking aorund fine, justt need to look after myself of course but honestly its not terrible at all! please dont worry about it if you need it....its slightly uncomfortable after, but the MWs on the p-natal ward help so much, really, they were wonderful theres a lot of support and 6 days later, i feel fine...just a bit tender occasionally but nothing unbearable and im looking after and coping with joshua fine.... if i had to do it again i wouldnt think about it at all... My scar is tiny and very neat and thin........

I have also heard reviews about ECV and im really not sure about it. They whole process seems a bit . . . I just dont want to do it to baby really. If they have to be strapped up to a heart monitor it cant be good.

Yeah I have heard about ECV and I feel the same way as you do. I seems a bit aggressive for the baby. I am having my ultrasound next Wednesday to look at where the placenta is and then 2 weeks after that I have my appointment with my obstetrician to figure help me with my birth plan... hopefully everything will be ok :)

My MW told me that yoga and different exercises can help get the baby in position.
Yeah I have a birth ball, keep bouncing on that, im sleeping on my left (supposed to help), im getting on all fours, im going aquanatal and im still working (so very active), but the little mite still hasnt turned! Let me know how you get on and fingers crossed for you x

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