calling your bump the name before brith . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2010
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hi im preg with my 2nd boy with my 1st i called him his name from my 20weeks scan with this one in doing the same calling him tommy i think it really give you a good bond with the baby and your talking about him its like his here all ready lol does anyone esle do this :)
I did it with my first! My mum was like, you're going to get bored of the name by the time she born if you keep using it now! Erm, well, if I get bored by then I'll know it's not the name I want to call her for the rest of my life :roll:
I have my name for my lil boy, but have chosen to not call him it yet until he is here. Although I do have a great bond with my lil man as he has a nickname of Roo! So he has a bump name, it's just not his name after birth xx
We're not going to find out the sex so bub will be nameless until birth but I don't think that will affect us bonding with him/her?

On a side note my nephew is a Tommy - such a cute name :lol:

Sometimes I will call him by his name, other times I just say baby depends how I feel xx
I have a nameless yellow bump, so me and my boyfriend just have a nickname for it. It's cute. Can't wait to see its wee face and then pick a name that suits the baby!!
My friend is due end of June, and calls her baby bump by the babies name, I don't think it's odd... Everyone's just different!xx
Now only if I had a name lol...
Bump is the bean for now....
We call our bump "Little Sausage" and as everyone now refers to baby as that we think it will be a lasting nickname when they grow up. Being team yellow means we can't really be using any chosen names, but for me I wanted to wait until I saw baby's face before deciding on the name firmly anyway. We have three maybes lined up.

Bet knowing the sex of your baby helps a lot though; names, room colours, clothes, toys etc. Everything of ours is neutral!
I don't know whether I will use the name when we choose it, but I actually don't use 'bump' either and don't really like other people using it in reference to mine either. I call it 'the baby', which started weeks ago when I was using my relaxation CD which refers to the baby a lot.
We call ours Pickle, have since we found out. We havent chosen a real name from our shortlist for him as we're waiting to see what he looks like, but Pickle might end up being a nickname that sticks whilst he's little. I agree I think a name/nickname is great for bonding for me personally xx
i never picked a name until she was born however i knew what i wanted to call her but never did, i gae my bump the nickname of baby bear and still now call my LO bear x
We don't know what flavour bump is. Started calling it Pip when I found out I was pregnant as it would have been the size of an apple pip and that's just stuck! x
We call ours by her name or Our little monkey she is living up that name lol think it's just a personnal choice and if your happy with calling baby by the chosen name then you should! X
We are team yellow (and staying that way!) so we are yet to have a proper name, OH sometimes refers to the baby as Buster, I just say 'baby'. I think having a bump name is quite cute but I dont think not having one would affect your bond.
we call her by her name but not on facebook (dont want everyone knowing and only close family and friends know the middle name although i have said on here ) and everyone else has there own nickname for her a friend from the pub calls her kitten it sounds so cute when he says it , my mil calls her bubble due to her blowing bubbles at the 20 week scan and oh has has even picked out her nickname for when she's here using her middle name lol she has too many names :lol:
We call ours by his name all the time :). Seeing as we've had it picked out since the 12 week scan and confirmed at the 20 week scan it made sense :). You're right I think it does start to create that bond before they arrive :).

we cant decided on a name yet for her !but if i did i would call my bump by that name x
We have a name in mind that we will probably go ahead with, but dont like to call bump by it. x

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