Can you get pregnant whilst having the merina coil fitted?


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Jan 4, 2011
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I recently had the merina coil fitted 3 months ago and since ive had it my left hip aches like cramp after ive had sex with my fiancé.... N ive started to feel sick and my belly looks pregnant and also im weeing alot ( ive also had a baby nearly 3 years ago now)

Please help!!
you can it happened to my SIL but hers had fallen out and she didn;t know. also i would say go and get it checked i got an infection from the coil i put up with the pain for 2 years and then had to have it removed and got warned i probably would be left infertile had to have a laparoscopy to see what my insides were like, i was lucky no damage. but seriously takea test and if negative get checked out.
Mumofmany glad you're ok!
I had a reaction to copper coil 4 years ago and wanted it out after a week or so but no one would do it in case I got preg so I had to wait a week in agony. When it was out I was immediately fine but worried I'd been damaged. No infections afterwards though. Hope I'm ok
You can get pregnant and there is even a higher risk of eptopic pregnancy too. If you have no bleeding or anything then chances of that are slim. Its more likely to be an infection. I had the Mirena Coil for 5 years, just removed in October. I too was feeling pain during intercourse.

I would do a test, if negative then go to docs anyway and you may have a urine infection or an infection from the coil itself- your blood cells will show if there is an infection.

Dont wait any longer honey, get yourself sorted! Good luck and let us know how you get on...

The nurse I saw a while back highly recommended the coil as its more safe than the pill apparently. My friends coil slipped and she got an infection with very similar symptoms to pregnancy so might be best to get it checked ? BUT, fingers crossed x
Hi girls sorry for late reply... I took a test n it was negative ive also contactd me health center and got an appointment with the family planning clinic to get the coil removed on wednesday at half 7 im scared it will hurt 
mine was a relief when it came out, it didnlt hurt at all and strange but it felt so lovely it ws like i could feel all the bad coming out with it, i know it was all in my head but thts how it felt for me.
Well i had the coil taken out... Duno y i was worryn cause it didnt hurt at all, so now all i have to do is see if i get preg!! Honestly girls do u think i will get pregnant cause some people say it takes ages ???

Thanks for the help x

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