Carpal Tunnel??


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
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Im not really sure what this is, but Ive heard a few people on here say they have it.

The past week or 2 Ive had sore joints in my fingers, just in my index fingers, so sore to touch and to bend, but not unbearable, just sore. Today its pretty much in all my joints in all my fingers. Theyre not so sore to touch today, more just bending feels stiff and achey.

Just wondered if this sounded like carpal tunnel??

Ive got the midwife tomorrow so deffinatly going to ask. The few things Ive read on the internet though have said its mainly wrist joints but can be hands as well. Anyone else got painful fingers lol? :oooo:
Me! I also have "trigger finger" in my middle finger so it gets stuck bent haha!
Try soaking your hands in hot water, ie do the dishes :lol: and keep your wrists elevated and straight :)
Oh my...the dishwasher does the dishes!! lol

I might however give myself a little manicure later, give my hands a soak and moisturise ect. That might make them feel pampered and less painful.

Maybe if I spent less time typing on PF my fingers might not hurt as much!

Btw 'trigger finger' is completly the right word to call it!!!
i have it a bit, but probably because most of my day is spent sat on this sofa typing stuff :D
I usually give up on the computer after a while cause as soon as i move my fingers from typing position they're all stuck :( :lol:
Yup I've got carpal tunnel in both hands. The wrist is the cause but the symptoms are mainly in the hands. Basically with the increase in fluid retention while pregnant there is an increase in pressure in the small space where the nerves run through your wrist. The median nerve runs through the carpal tunnel and leads to the thumb, first, index and ring finger so those are the ones usually affected. The ulnar nerve runs outwith the carpal tunnel and supplies one side of the ring finger and pinky so those usually aren't affected.
With any nerve compression you usually get some pain, swelling, pins and needles and decreased sensation. At the moment those fingers on my right hand are almost numb with pins and needles, and just the tips on my left hand. When they have gone completely numb the ache really kicks in! My hands are particularly sensitive to heat now.
Try to reduce the fluid in your hands by keeping them elevated, I found cold compresses better than warm and I have splints to wear day and night that keep my wrists in a position that will keep the carpal tunnel as open as possible.
Sorry for the long post!!
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Yes I had carpal tunnel in both hands! My finger joints were sore, especially in the morning. The pain went away almost straight away after I gave birth!
I had this in both pregnancies and mornings were definitely worse. Try and keep them moving as much as possible, the physio can supply splints too if it's really bad x
Hiya ! I’m due in 2 weeks and have EXACTLY the same symptoms as you ! Pin in knuckles and joints of hands, in the mornings it’s worse , can’t clench as so weak and painful. Dies down as day goes on but still achy when clenches

So strange isn’t it ! I have a lot of swelling in my feet but none noticeable in my hands so unsure of what it was as wasn’t my wrists only fingers and joints in hand , glad someone feels my pain ! Xxx

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