cerazette..mini pill


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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i just read through a few horror stories on here about cerazette, now im worried :whistle:
i got put on it last week at my 6wk check,and i started bleeding 2days ago, its not like a period but its more then just spotting.

is there any other mini pills i can go on? im breastfeeding so can only be a mini pill.
i was on one when i was breastffeeding my daughter. it was a yellow box and i think it started with L or had something with L on the front of the box. and i was fine with that 1, any ideas what it was? x
my first pill was cerazette minipill and it didnt agree with me atall, i was depressed already but after starting that pill my depression just got worse and worse so im keeping far away from it xx
i was on Yasmin pill, that was brilliant! ive heard cerazette horror stories too honey. you could see how you get on with them? xx
Was on that myself last year and I had to come off it within the month, terrible migraines so was put on Micronor instead which worked a treat, the only downfall was the 3 hours rule but it worked well for me x
I was put on Cerazette while waiting for my appointment to get my implant put it and I was seriously down and depressed on it.. I was either angry or completely low, it just didn't agree with me at all, my sister is on it and has had no problems, but I would never go near it again.. The bleeding etc was fine but it was my mental state, it scared me how much a pill affected me, not everyone is the same though, not sure on any other mini pills hun but give it a go and if you don't feel its right for you I'm sure your doctor would be more than happy to change it for you xxxx
.....was a yellow box and i think it started with L or had something with L on the front of the box. and i was fine with that 1, any ideas what it was? x

Cerazette comes in a yellow box still i think, but the one your talking about is called Logynon, (Leconorgestrel)

i dont see why they havnt put u back on the same one u were on b4?!!

good luck hun

.....was a yellow box and i think it started with L or had something with L on the front of the box. and i was fine with that 1, any ideas what it was? x

Cerazette comes in a yellow box still i think, but the one your talking about is called Logynon, (Leconorgestrel)

i dont see why they havnt put u back on the same one u were on b4?!!

good luck hun


thats the one! im seeing the nurse for colbis injections monday. im wondering if they will change me because i realised last night im a monster lately :/ i am at my OH`s throat constantly aand we only got engaged bout 3wks ago but think hes havin 2nd thoughts now :( x
oh i just read that pill and its not for use when breastfeeding so couldnt of been that 1. they cnt find it on my records as nothing got transferred from my previous dr x
Logynon is a combined pill not a mini, was taken off that due to my age then put on Mini Pill Cerazette, and because of those side effects was put on the Micornor which was great x
I was on cerazette afew years ago and it was horrible! I'd bleed for 3 weeks out of the month! I strongly recommend against it! Im not sure about other pills though cos the other pill ive been on the m something 30, i fell pregnant on!
i was on microgynon 30 before i got pregnant but cnt take that because breastfeeding x
i was on that for bout a year or so and didnt get pregnant till i stopped it so was ok for me. but i no everyone reacts differently on different contraceptives.

my OH`s just told me to stop my pill or hes going as iv changed :( is it ok to stop after a week? x
I fully agree with all said above, I've been on Micronor for about six years, no problems at all. GP tried me on Cerazette for a month and I gained nearly a stone (which after losing three was not helpful!) and I bled for nearly three weeks straight as well. :(

Went right back to my Micronor, with Mini-pill (ie no breaks) stopping and starting different brands shouldn't really make all that much difference mid-cycle but I waited until AF came to change mine.

Hope all gets better for you.

I was on Cerazette.. Migraines.. Weigh gain.. Acne.. Mood Swings like a T-Rex.. And at one point I bled for like a month solid, 3 days break, and then bleeding again. Was ridiculous!

I did try and persavere with it, My gp said that women take a while to "settle" on it, But then I got pregnant, so ohwell :D I will be going for the Mirena coil after.
i stayed on it and bleeding stopped so must have been a period. i seem ok now tho :) no more mood swings. glad i percavierd lol x
I bled every moth on cerazzete and Docotor told me I shouldn't bleed at all, I also fell pregnant on it lol

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