Chances of a c-section?


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Hey ladies, hope you and your bumps are well and everybody else reading this too, well I know every-bodies different and it depends on what your doc and midwife say but I have a ovarian cyst in my left ovary, well unsure of what ovary due to mismatch of notes. On my 12 week scan they told me there was a 7cm cyst in my right ovary and that it would properly disappear on it's own or would stay the same. Well on my 20 week scan the cyst had grown to 12cm, and they gave me two extra scans plus another scan for 22 weeks for the baby's head measurements (as he wouldn't keep still lol!) well on the 22 week scan it had grown 1cm, then on my 28 week scan the sonographer couldn't find it on my right side and found it on the left, it was 18cmx18cm so it's basically as heavy as a lady having twins.
I've seen two consultants and I have my last scan in 4 weeks (34 week scan) to check on the cyst, the last consultant told me unless the cyst blocked the birth-canal that I would be able to have a natural birth and would have the cyst removed the next day with my left ovary as it will be damaged. But I've read on the internet they may want to remove both ovaries and put me through early meno-pause (Im only 18 and this is my first baby) so even though I don't plan to have another straight away I was worried for the future if I ever want a little sister or brother my my son-to-be. :( But has anybody been through this?? because I know they can give you c-section, my mom reckons they will tell me on the next scan they will have me in if they baby is heavy enough and his 3lb 5oz already. I want a 2nd opinion as I'm so confussed and not happy with them leaving me to have a normal birth and been at risk of having to have both ovaries took out due to the cyst twisting on itself having lots more space once baby's out... I'm worried sick and wish they would give me some straight answers, I know everybody different but if you know anyone or yourselfs who have had a cyst, please share your opinions because I haven't got a clue how serious this is, I'm in so much pain and just want it to stop now but Ob I want a healthy LO so I'll have to stick it out a bit, thanks everyone x
Hiya hun, i had a cyst on my right ovary which they found on the first scan with my son. its wasnt as big as yours, it was 11cm at the birth but it was monitored throughout the pregnancy with extra scans to make sure it wasnt causing any problem to the baby or lookin like it could twist or burst. I know they treat different cysts differently, mine was a dermoid cyst so it was never goin to go away on its own. They said if they thought it was going to cause any problems they would remove it while i was still pregnant and it should b low risk to the baby but there was a chance of miscarriage. Im not sure if this would be an option with a larger cyst tho. It didnt cause me any problems and i went on to be induced and experience labour but for unknown reasons labour stopped progressing and i had an emergency c-section, they removed the cyst and my ovary at the same time. Im sure they wont take both ovaries if there is only a cyst on one side. And if your worrying about more children with only one ovary, we conceived on our first cycle with this little one. Sorry i cant tell u more but hope this helps. Good luck. xxx
Hi, did not want to read and run; don't always take seriously what the internet says, as useful as it is at times it can make you quite paranoid I think.. lol..

Listen to your doctor and ignore what the internet says, your doctor will know what is happening and am sure they would not remove both Ovaries if they did not have to and certainly at your age.. all the best.. xx

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