Charting peeps - question about luteal phase length?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
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Hi there - I've read that the luteal phase should be roughly the same each month, but in the last 3 months since I've been charting, mine seems to vary from 12 - 14 days. Does anyone else have this sort of variation? Would be good to hear about other people's experiences...

Thanks :) xxx
I only know that a really short luteal phase (less than 11 days) can be probelmatic - not sure about variations?

I think all the online calculators use 14 as standard? My online ticker has mine as 14 but if I ov a day or two later (I am suppsoed to Ov today) then it will be slightly less?

Sorry, I am sure someone else will be more help!

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I only know that a really short luteal phase (less than 11 days) can be probelmatic - not sure about variations?

I think all the online calculators use 14 as standard? My online ticker has mine as 14 but if I ov a day or two later (I am suppsoed to Ov today) then it will be slightly less?

Sorry, I am sure someone else will be more help!


Yeah, your luteal phase is from when you ov to when your af starts, so everyone's is different... Thanks for answering anyway :) ps I was responding to your other post as you were responding to mine!! So funny when that happens xx
I dnt know how long mine is but according to my cbfm I ov'd cd9/10 this month and af isn't due until 3rd feb, last af was 6th Jan so either my af will come early this month or I have a REALLY long lp!!

TTC our first baby since 6th Jan 2012
the leutal phase is generalyl very consistent - only varying by a few days, so yours seems fine. only the follicular phase can be determined by outside influences so can vary from month to month. TCOYF and Zita Weest say 12-14 days is fine. less than 10-11 can be problamatic. are you temps stayign well above the coverline right up till AF??
Over how many cycles have you observed this?

LP length is supposed to be very consistent. I have charted 5 cycles now. The first cycle it was 11, then I started vit b6 and it increased to 12. I *think* the 4th cycle was actually 13 - not very sure abt it. So mine too has varied b/w 11 and 13. However, I have heard that just a day diff is acceptable. So I dont worry much abt it.
the leutal phase is generalyl very consistent - only varying by a few days, so yours seems fine. only the follicular phase can be determined by outside influences so can vary from month to month. TCOYF and Zita Weest say 12-14 days is fine. less than 10-11 can be problamatic. are you temps stayign well above the coverline right up till AF??

Ah thanks - must've missed that bit in TCOYF - yeah temps are staying above coverline, so feeling more reassured :) phew! xxx

Over how many cycles have you observed this?

LP length is supposed to be very consistent. I have charted 5 cycles now. The first cycle it was 11, then I started vit b6 and it increased to 12. I *think* the 4th cycle was actually 13 - not very sure abt it. So mine too has varied b/w 11 and 13. However, I have heard that just a day diff is acceptable. So I dont worry much abt it.

Well, I've only charted one, but have been using opks for previous 2 so has a pretty good idea when I ov'd, but I guess I could've miscalculated... Think I was just worrying about nothing! Thanks for your reassurances - feel much better now :) xxx

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