

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Ok so all I seem to be eating is cheese, watermelon and pink lady apples! I know the watermelon and apples are good for me, but can you eat to much cheese?? I am having it everyday, sometimes twice a day! I have it in a sandwich, on a jacket potato, in mashed potato and even top pie's with it!! My hubby said last night when I gave him his tea 'oh how nice, home made fish pie, topped with CHEESE just for a change!!' He then said to me 'Di, just because you want it for breakfast, dinner and tea, doesn't mean everyone else does!' That's when I wondered if I am eating to much! My mum has even started saying I am having a mouse not a baby!
How funny im hooked on pink lady apples too!! LOVE them!!!
and im a cheese freak so have it that often anyway, not just thru pregnancy :lol:
your supposed to have a certain amount of dairy a day.. i dont think theres a rule on where it comes from.. i dont know tbh but ive always enjoyed my canadian extra strong cheddar every day thru all my pregnancies (just finished a cheese toastie too mmmmmm) and my kids have been fine... just Ellie is hooked on cheese toasties too haha! (she hasnt finished hers yet.. im hoping theres some left over ;) )

Sorry i cant give you solid info on it but i know it hasnt affected me :)
I struggle to get pink lady apples, we have to keep traveling for them! I too usually like cheese, but not as much as I am at the moment! I don't drink milk though, so in all fairness its probably the only dairy (apart from yogurts) that I am getting!

Haha Pinky, she is convinced s/he is a mouse!
Yeah they are tricky.. and expensive :mad: so annoying!! hate paying over £4 for 6 apples! feel guilty lol!

I dont think it matters where the dairy comes from.. someone feel free to correct me as i dont know..
Yeah they are tricky.. and expensive :mad: so annoying!! hate paying over £4 for 6 apples! feel guilty lol!

I dont think it matters where the dairy comes from.. someone feel free to correct me as i dont know..

Yes they are, and have you noticed how they are never on offer?? Makes my blood boil lol

I have been thinking that maybe I should try some reduced fat cheese instead?
No harm in trying :)

Tbh they've been on offer ONCE since I've been eating them (years!) and believe me I stocked up!! Lol! Don't know what it's like where you live but they've got ALOT smaller here!!! Used to be huge ones but now teeny ones like the kids ones I get! If they are big they are kinda worth the money but same price and over half the size is a disgrace!! :lol: I might write to tesco lol!!
No harm in trying :)

Tbh they've been on offer ONCE since I've been eating them (years!) and believe me I stocked up!! Lol! Don't know what it's like where you live but they've got ALOT smaller here!!! Used to be huge ones but now teeny ones like the kids ones I get! If they are big they are kinda worth the money but same price and over half the size is a disgrace!! :lol: I might write to tesco lol!!

I thought it was just me that noticed!! Yeah they used to be a nice big juicy apple, now they are like the kids fun-size ones! It really takes the p*ss cos I am eating 4-6 a day! (oh and pink, not red like most are now!)
I had to double check i had picked up the right ones when i first saw them!! and yeah.. red!! not pink! :(
we need to protest lol!!
I must be having a mouse too, because I have cheese aaaaall the time, it's one of the few things that will not make me sick. That and cereal. The thought of any sort of raw fruit or veg is enough to make me green in the face!
I had to double check i had picked up the right ones when i first saw them!! and yeah.. red!! not pink! :(
we need to protest lol!!

I must be having a mouse too, because I have cheese aaaaall the time, it's one of the few things that will not make me sick. That and cereal. The thought of any sort of raw fruit or veg is enough to make me green in the face!

You know , you are right! We need to protest! I'm right behind you lol

Ish, I am so glad its not just me! That's how I started eating it too, because it was one of the few things I could stomach! Glad I am not the only one having a mouse! :)
I've had a thing for pink ladies and watermelon too. They got me through MS. I found that Costco do a 6 pack of pink ladies for about £2-3 and they're nice big tasty ones too mmmmm. The supermarket ones just don't compare.
Oooohhh costco is a 5min drive from me!!
Supermarkets are seriously conning us and depriving us of our BIG PINK pink lady apples!!!! xx
I went through that from about 14 weeks until 18 weeks. Its eased off now but I was eating it constantly! I even dreamed about cheese. So funny how your body craves what you need. I also went through a milk phase between 10 and 14 weeks - maybe calcium is the thing!

Enjoy every moment of this time!

The only downside to the cheese thing is the bloody heartburn that follows!! Been suffering with it so bad for a couple of weeks now, i never had it til very late with the girls :(
Thanks ladies. I will have to look up to see if we have a costco near us! *touches wood* so far I haven't had heartburn :)
You are very lucky lol its awful when its strong! i had it mild with the girls.. this one is dreadful!
The only downside to the cheese thing is the bloody heartburn that follows!! Been suffering with it so bad for a couple of weeks now, i never had it til very late with the girls :(

Try Gaviscon Advance. I had it prescribed by the docs. You can get it over the counter too.
Tried :( takes the egde off sometimes but it doesnt get rid.. the only thing that works for me is the fruity rennies... mint ones are rubbish for me :( and taste gross lol! so hard to get hold of the fruit ones though! duno why!
I am literally counting the days till I can have some blue cheese and a glass of white wine. I'm craving those so much it's killing me!!!

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