Clearblue Fertility Monitor Test Sticks


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2008
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I have 18 clearblue test sticks for the fertility monitor that i no longer need, if you would like them then please PM me your details and i'll send them to you.
These are sealed and have a use by date of 04-2008.
They have already been allocated? I can't see how to be honest as I pm'd you straight away and there wasn't anyone else signed onto the forum in TTC who has a monitor within the time you posted and when I replied. Who was it that happened to reply before me then?

Out of the kindness of my heart i offered test sticks for FREE, my post went live at 20.44 and your email was received at 21.33 at which time they had already been taken. As the person has not listed on the orginal posting i dont think that its right that i should name them.
I am sorry that you have not be lucky on this ocassion but i really dont think theres any need for you post you've just left.
People might not be so kind next time.
To be honest Jollypops as I was signed on all evening, there was nobody else in the forum let alone anyone else with a fertility monitor so i cant see how they could have been? It would have been nice if you could have let me know 3 days ago that you would not be sending them so I could have at least ordered some more in time for ovulation since i sent you 3 or 4 messages. You managed to reply to other posts but ignored all my PM messages leaving it too late to get any ordered from the internet now. I think whats happened here is that you have offered them out to someone else you perhaps know better. Personally if and when i get chance to offer my free stuff away it will be first come first served which i believe is fair. But like you said they are yours and its your choice. Sadly i wont be able to test for ovulation this month now. Thanks.

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