CM question when on the pill


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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I haven't come off the pill yet - have one more month then 4 months break before we try. I went the loo yesterday and noticed quite a lot of CM which was white! :oops: sorry if too much info... any way! is CM the same when your on the pill as when your not? and doesn't white CM come around the beggining of your cycle? I only have 3 days left of my pill packet so i'm at the end nearly of my cycle. Confussed... :?

h x
CM gone again today so i'm thinking it just the pill. Has no-one had a similar experience? :? anyway i'm sure i'll notice a completely different pattern of CM when i'm off the pill next month.

h x
i really wouldnt take any notice hun as soon as you come off the pill your patterns should change anyway xxxxxxxxxxx
to be honest i never took any notice of cm when i was on the pill i only take notice when i need to when ttc but like rach said it willl prob all change anyway when you stop taking it.x
i know.. i shouldn't really read too much into my CM at the moment. Doesn't the pill make our bodies believe we're pregnant and so that why we can't get pregnant whilst using it. Or was that another dum story i was told and believed! :oops: anyway i don't have long before i finish my pill and then i have 3 or 4 months to keep an on CM...

thanks for replies
h x

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