Colic / Reflux Newborn

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Jan 17, 2018
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My baby will be 3 weeks old on Sunday she has had a touch of colic.. I used infacol first and it was useless.. I also changed her teats from tommee tippee to avent anti colic and I also got colief which was great and worked well for a couple of days. Now though it seems to be starting again and yesterday I found out she has a slight hernia.. I couldn't see it but the doctor said it is there and could be causing reflux.

Today and last night she has been very unsettled and she seemed to be screaming in pain after the last feed.. so I need advice I was thinking of changing her food.. from SMA pro to the SMA anti reflux. Has anyone used this and would it be ok just to change over as it is the same brand?

Any advice is greatly appreciated thank you X
I feel your pain! Colief is the only thing that helped me it was like magic medicine! You get it on prescription from the doctor don’t pay for it as it’s over £10 tiny bottle. I hope this helps you as colic is tough. Let me know how you get on! I am due my second baby coming out and I am just hoping that this one doesn’t suffer with that too!! Xx
Gripe water helped my son from 4 weeks onwards. It’s awful business :( x
Both my dd and ds have/had reflux. My daughter was really bad... I switched her milk to anti reflux and it was amazing!!! Even from the first bottle. She's 11 months now and still can't deal with normal formula.
My son is 1 month and he started showing signs of reflux so I tried h on my dds formula and it made him worse... The Drs gave me gaviscon and that's helping.
If your using a tommee tippee prep machine, stop using it for abit and use the kettle I found it caused both mine reflux :/
Would definitely recommend the gavisgon. Worked wonders for my son. He was like a different child
So I changed to the SMA anti reflux which seemed to help with the reflux but the problem I having now is she seems to be realy gassy and in pain in between feeds! She writhes about and farts a lot lol.. but seems to be in pain god love her. Her poops also changed from going 2 to 3 times a day mustard yellow to once every other day and they are now green and runny and foul smelling.

I took her to the gp who said the pooping would be normal changing the food and he is happy enough with her because she is still wanting the bottle and is gaining weight. He said she might just be a gassy baby.. I still feel like something isn't right. Stress! x
You see, every case is different and it's hard to give definite advice. My son also had reflux. For reflux post-syndrome therapy is used, which can include painkillers, probiotics, enzyme medications, but all this should be prescribed by doctor.
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