Confused about dates


Oct 27, 2010
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I'm very confused about how far along I am. Went to see my Dr who asked 1st day of last period bla bla so anyway that would put me at 8 weeks tomorrow.

Through the week had a bit of spotting and went to the EPU for a scan and saw a lovely heartbeat however the woman told me I was only 6 weeks one day. Got the calendar out and she has told me the exact day of conception (sad I know what it was).

So now I'm confused, do the radiographers count it from conception? Do the doctors count it differently. Last year I lost a baby at 7 weeks and in my head really needed to be past 7 weeks so gutted to be put back to 6 weeks.
For whatever reason, there are two ways to put an age on your baby. Gestational Age is measured starting at the first day of your last period. Fetal age is typically two weeks less as that is when you would have actually ovulated.

From what I can gather, those websites that show you the weekly status of your baby typically go by gestational age. Same with all the tickers we have.

I don't understand why they use both of these ages, maybe someone else will come along and explain that bit. In the meantime, I would just try to relax and enjoy your time (assuming you're not suffering from any awful side effects atm!). xxx
I had two dates too, one from when I last menstrated and when I went for a scan she put me back 2 weeks. I would go with your scan date though as when this early theyre generally more accurate.
With my little boy I think I remember that they put me back two weeks aswell, its all very confusing. Still feeling sick though so pleased about that cause last time I had no symptoms at all and should have known something was wrong. So delighted that the sickness is continuing and I am slowly bursting out of my jeans whether I be 7 weeks or 9 weeks!

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