Connor Hamish Hugh Marshall... 20th April :)


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Nov 23, 2009
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Before I start, OH insisted on having Hamish in his name....

Dont really know what to write for this :S

My contractions started round about 10 oclock on saturday night. Kept me up all night and went to the midwife in the morning who said I was about 2cm dilated then sent back home.

The contractions steadily got longer and sorer but kept about 6 minuted apart until I phoned the midwife on the Monday night and she said 'just take paracetemol', even though my contractions were lasting about 90secs+. In the morning I had had enough! Contractions were still werent getting closer but were unbearable (and baby was still back to back :S) and kept getting longer. The midwife was reluctant to take me in for a check but I made them (go me) only to find out I was 6cm dilated!!! :dance:

They took me to a room with a pool, I was only planning on using the pool for pain relief, not for giving birth. Can't really remember much because I was so busy pondering the meaning of life on the gas and air :S

At 9cm I got into the pool. the contractions were still in my back and my waters hadnt broke. OH was great the whole time and said I kept making jokes (Ima tough cookie haha). My mum was there and OH's mum popped in just in time before she was starting work so both grannys were present!!!

I'm having trouble remembering all the details :S I remember pushing out his head and shoulders then having trouble to push out past his hips. The midwife took him out from there :S he was born STILL IN HIS MEMBRANE at 7.14pm! so good luck for him :) not too long after that, I pushed out everything else, go me! lol

I held my newborn son as daddy cut his cord, I remember pretty much as far as this. According to OH, he took the baby n sat down while I was to get out of the pool. He says I wasnt responding to anybody n just sat in the pool while the water drained and ended up just sitting in a pool of blood :S He gave the baby to my mum n went to help me stand up but I collapsed and him and the midwives had to get me out of the bath n on to a bed.

A little bit minging here! next thing I remember is having a doctors hand inside me scraping out my insides :x No pain relief! there was doctors everywhere poking n prodding n putting needles in me, it was horrible. I had loads of injections of god knows what and got hooked up to loads of drips n stuff n had the o2 mask :S

In the morning doc said that I had lost 5pints of blood! Labour went absolutely fine until the last min when I hemoraged and he kept apologising for hurting me, but obviously he had to do it. Spent three days in hospital on lots of tablets and a blood transfusion then begged to get out! and they eventually let me home

So, im at home now with my lovely little boy :) He was 7lb 10oz and 19inches long :) Hes the spitting image of his daddy and just wants to be cuddled all the time :)

Dunno if thats what Im meant to write but got a beautiful wee baby at the end of it all :D not too sure if ill be returning any time soon though....

thanks folks :)

P.S. only 1 stitch!!!


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I wondered how you got on!

Congrats - hes lovely :)
well done again hun at least it is over now. he is a wee stunner loving the rangers outfit x
he is so cute!!! poor you going though that right at the end xx enjoy him xx
He is absolutely gorgeous!!!! x x poor you right at the end! x x Well done and congrats to you and your family x
congratulations hun, sorry you had to go through that right at the end.
enjoy xx
He is a lovely Matilda and well done you - hope your recovery is quick xxx
Congratulatations to you , he is gorgous!

Real shame about the blood loss , make sure you keep up with the iron tablets or you will be soo tired X
congrats on your little boy!! Sorry about the rest hope you feel better soon. x
Congratulations! Wowee thats a lot of blood to lose, look after yourself - what a stunning baby! xx
CONGRATULATIONS and well done! shame about the ending but at lest ur well and can enjoy ur beautiful new arrival, enjoy xx
Many congrats, he is lovely. Sorry about the blood loss, hope you're on the mend soon :)
Well done. What a trooper you are!! He's GORGEOUS!!!! You must be very proud!!
congrats babe he is gorgeous, hope you feel better soon and recover from the blood loss, xx
thanks everyone :) feeling lots better and connor is such a good baby!! (the now :S) and hes a right wee poser whenever the camera comes out ;)

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