contact dermatitis?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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My LO is 15 months and for months and months when we take off his nappy he scratches his bum. There was never any rash so assumed it was the novelty of being able to reach that area . He would really scratch it in the bath particularly

Fast forward to a couple of months ago and noticed he has quite dry skin. Then he starts scratching his tummy. Then his back.....then his legs. The skin again has no rash until he starts scratching and then it gets red and sometimes even bleeds from the scratching.

After trying shea butter and some natural things for dry skin he was getting more annd more obviously bothered by it so i took him to dr yesterday who diagnosed contact dermititis and gave him hydrocortisone cream, piriton and an emolient moisturiser

the question though is what could be causing it? As first it was only on his bum which wasnt coming into contact with laundry detergent, but if it was any other product it would surely have been all over from the start? And if it was from the nappy it wouldnt have spread elsewhere? I'm a bit flummoxed what can be causing it. Any ideas? He is sooo itchy!

dont know if its relevant but he has actually never had a 'normal' nappy rash or any rash that hasnt been caused by his own scratching, so i didnt think he really had sensitive skin?
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Could be literally anything. Im allergic to nickel, which is in loads of metal objects. Money, jewellery etc. I get the same symptoms as your son. I moved for work apparently there was a nickel refinery somewhere in town, I was constantly broken out in a rash until we moved away as it was in the air/dirt and water!

I also get the exact same symptoms whenever I get hot. I think my own sweat irritates my skin, so he could have that if it's mostly in his nappy.

The only way you're going to know is to do an allergy patch test at the doctors office!
thanks for replying. Its just weird how it started off just in the nappy area, like it was irritation from the nappy then practically a year later it started spreading. its not worse in his nappy area in fact his shins seem worst now.
so he had a week of hydrocortisone cream which cleared it up then it came back straight away. Dr said give it another week of hydrocortisone and again it started to come back the day after i stopped using it. I was going to make an appointment for him but he scalded his leg which involved being ambulanced to A&E and burns clinic, he has not been able to have a bath since and in these last 4 days his dermatitus has cleared up is he allergic to water ????? As i had not been using any products...
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My LO has sensitive skin and eczema and it took quite awhile to figure that out. Our doc suggested using more organic or natural products, so we started using MADE OF products and within a couple days, the diaper rash and dry skin were gone. Their products even kept his eczema from flaring up. The MADE OF products are fairly new, but now available at my favorite store--Target. :)

The products are certified organic, vegan, and gluten free just to name a few. I would urge you to try them as they helped us! Good luck and well wishes.

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