contractions that im experiencing


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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so ive figured im probably in early labour after waking up with pains and having a huge snotty show (sorry tmi) and a clearout of the bowels (tmi again lol) and am now able to time the pains quite easily as they are extremely regular (i am aware that they may stop though which would suck so bad!)

basically using a contraction timer on my iphone its really easy to time them, and at the moment they are just over 5 mins apart averaging at about 40 seconds long. i know they say call the hosp when they are 4 or 5 mins apart lasting over a minute. so at the moment mine are close to what they say to call in, but they arent majorly painful, i can talk and breathe through them.

so shall i wait til they are like really painful to ring the hospital? or closer together or what? i dont really know lol. i dont want to go into hospital too early so gonna try and wait it out until i physically cant bare it i think, but at the moment they are regular as clock work. just having one now lol!!

any input greatly appreciated :) x
You should probably call them - I think it's the timing they're after, not the intensity....
You might be one of these lucky women who don't get really painful contractions, so if they're coming regularly, it can't hurt to ring up and let them know x
Let us know what they say, and if they want you to go in :D
Oooh exciting! :yay:
Have you had a bath to see if they carry on while in the bath
Call up but they will probably tell you to wait if you can talk and breath through them. Hope things are starting for you! X
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You may be one of the lucky ones that don't have too bad contractions, my mum started contractions with me and thought maybe I should waddle down to the hospital, she was already 7cm's dilated lol
i havent rung them yet cos it might be completely pointless, i dont want to go in at all yet, shall i or shant i lol x
oh my how exciting :) because they carried on through a bath thats good on my 1st i had a bath and they intensified eeek have another bath lol
lol think im gonna go make a rasberry leaf tea quick and see if that keeps it going x
lol it all sound promising i went in when i had to stand up and rock my bum with each contraction and i have easy labours :)
i hope mine are easy as yours lol so far so good, still timing the same, just not getting more painful. they are basically like really bad period pains. nothing more painful than that. rocking makes them more "comfortable" i think x
as its your 1st id say sit it out as long as possible at least at home you can do what you want :)
Yea, hsng on til you think "oh shit, surely it can't get more painful than this" and you're probably well on your way:).

How exciting!!

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