Controversial issue


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
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Just wondering what your views are on circumcision? I don't want to cause any arguments or have people telling each other why they think they are wrong or right, I'm just interested to see what other people's views are? I've always thought I would have any baby boys I have circumcised as it's been done in my family and OHs, not for religious reasons, just because that's what has been done and I tend to agree with the health benefits. However, now I am actually pregnant (staying team yellow so this may not even apply!) I'm not sure now.

Like I said, I really don't want this to turn into a ferocious debate, more to hear your views if you're willing to give them :)
I personally don't like it. With the exception of medical reasons it has been proven to have no benefits as far as I'm aware x
There are not many health benefits if any but I know of a couple who did it for medical reason and another one for religious.

Hygene isnt an issue these days so see no reason to do it
Until I went on forums I honestly didn't even think about this! I have one friend whose been circumcised and that was for medical reasons. He remembers having it done and he said it was awful.

I can't really see the reasons behind it other than medical. If I ever had a boy it wouldn't remotely cross my mind to have it done to him.
Unless there is a medical problem then there are no proven benefits. I haven't circumcised my son and would never have it done unless there's was a medical issue.
If we ever have a boy then we'd not even consider it to be honest - unless there were health reasons of course

I don't like it on newborns but may have to consider it in the future. DH was circumcised at 11 due to a health issue which is hereditry in his family.
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Hospitals won't even do it now unless it's medically required. It's not something I would ever consider to be honest. Think it's a bit unnecessary.
I don't think there's any reason to do it as a matter of course. Obviously some people have specific medical reasons or religious ones. But I think recent research had shown that the majority of boys get no benefit from it. Xxx
it doesnt really apply to me, as I'm having a girl, but if I was having a boy - I wouldn't be getting it done.
I've got a girl but if I had a boy I'd hate to put my LO through an operation for no reason.....unless it was medical! x

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There is a very very high chance that Jack will be circumsised because all of the men on OH's side have been circumsised for medical reasons apart from his younger Brother. I'm absloutley dreading it and it makes me feel sick just thinking about him being operated on and he may escape it yet! No way would I do it for supposed cleanliness benefits. My view is nature has given them their foreskin for a reason, yes some go wrong as with everything in nature but if it ain't broke ... don't fix it! x
Agree with everyone, unnecessary unless for medical/religious reasons. My boy gets to stay intact!
I don't agree with it, unless it is something that needs to be done for medical reasons. I wouldn't have my son circumsized for the sake of it!
There is a very very high chance that Jack will be circumsised because all of the men on OH's side have been circumsised for medical reasons apart from his younger Brother. I'm absloutley dreading it and it makes me feel sick just thinking about him being operated on and he may escape it yet! No way would I do it for supposed cleanliness benefits. My view is nature has given them their foreskin for a reason, yes some go wrong as with everything in nature but if it ain't broke ... don't fix it! x

I do worry about this with Oscar as OH and his nephew both had to be circumsized due to medical reasons. So far Oz is looking ok, so fingers crossed won't have to cross that bridge!
Thanks for the replies everyone :) Think it's just been such a normal part of both our families that it didn't seem strange to do it, but now I'm actually expecting I don't like the idea so much!!
My OH is circumsized but we don't know why! You've just reminded me, I need to ask his Mum. His brother isn't, so it's strange. I would only do it for medical reasons personally.x
No, never. I've obviously lived a sheltered life lol xx

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